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00182406 首页 - 择城网 - 择城网为您提供全国各地风景区详细介绍以及星级酒店宾馆住宿指南。

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00302852 | Regal Hotels International

00394372 Harbour Plaza & Harbour Grand - Luxury Hotels in Hong Kong & China Chongqing

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00535514 维也纳酒店有限公司官网-在线直订酒店更优惠 - 维也纳酒店是全球首家以“音乐艺术”为主题的精品连锁酒店, 维也纳酒店官网在线注册免38元入会费, 酒店预订8折优惠, 让您预订酒店更加轻松快捷, 是您出差、旅游首选的酒店预订网站。 深圳 | Shenzhen

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00567447 Macau Hotel | The Venetian Macao® | Best Luxury Hotel in Macau - The Venetian Macao Resort Hotel official site offer the best rate guarantee Macau luxury hotel booking, hotel offers, duty free shopping, sensational entertainment and irresistible restaurants in Macau. Book Venetian Macao Hotel right now!

00794707 YHA China - 国际青年旅舍 - YHA China广州总部在中国是发展青年旅舍事业唯一合法的权威机构。180多家各具特色的青年旅舍分布在30多个省市和地区;交通便利,环境舒适,服务体贴周到,并提供当地详尽的旅游信息。选择中国的国际青年旅舍,尽情享受您的中国之旅吧!! 青年 | Qingnian / 州 | Chenzhou

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Rank Web address Description << for sorting ON THIS PAGE click on header>> City/State C. 翠丰温泉度假酒店 - 厦门翠丰温泉度假酒店位于闽南金三角枢纽地带、景色优美的同安汀溪水库 风景区,是美国最佳西方旗下大中华区首家五星级温泉度假酒店.厦门翠丰温泉酒店共有214间山景客房,面积均超过50平方米,现代温馨的装饰令房间更显宽敞明亮,半露天温泉汤池,令您独处的分分秒秒都意趣盎然。完善的客房设施、酒店还配有商务会议、台球室、发烧友视听室、迷你高尔夫果岭、户外拓展训练等休闲康休设施,将为您的度假生活锦上添花。 厦门 | Xiamen 武夷山庄官方网站欢迎您 - 武夷山庄――坐落于武夷山风景区内, 按照四星级标准而建,面朝崇阳溪,背依大王峰,环境优美,交通便利。集吃、住、玩、乐于一身的商务会议、休闲运动度假酒店。 武夷山 | Wuyishan 旗山森林温泉度假村 - 福州旗山森林温泉度假村位于旗山国家森林公园五峰里1号,毗邻旗山国家森林公园,占地面积600亩,是按照国际五星级酒店和国家4A级景区标准打造的城郊生态型度假村。松果庄园酒店由酿泉、聆泉二座组成,共158间/套精品客房,内设度假楼层、行政楼层、套房。松鼠园木屋别墅共24套,主要有三种户型,木屋采用美工进口的防腐木构筑。 州 | Chenzhou / 城郊 | Chengjiao 浪花一朵朵 海景民宿 - “浪花兔”會在民宿的小小角落出現, 期待與”浪花一朵朵”的每位客人相遇, 共享蔚藍的天空, 湛藍的太平洋, 海潮起落之聲, 舒適的空間, 帶給您一個愉快的旅行!! 太平 | Taiping 长春艾博丽思大饭店-首页 - 长春艾博丽思大饭店网站首页,长春艾博丽思大饭店(The Abritz Hotel Changchun)位于长春高新区硅谷大街888号(与致远街交汇处), 是一家豪华型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 长春 | Changchun

www.airportvoyageservicea… Guangzhou Airport Voyage Service Apartment Baiyun Airport - Official Website, Online booking discount - Guangzhou Airport Voyage Service Apartment Baiyun Airport is located NO.8-4, Dehua Rd, Gaozeng Jiushe, New Baiyun Airport (Free airport shuttle, 5 mins drive, airport Departure Hall 6 Gate) Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport is a 5-minute drive away.… Aki Hostel - Guangzhou - China - Featuring free WiFi and a restaurant, Aki Hostel offers accommodation in Guangzhou. Each room comes with a private or shared bathroom. Extras include slippers and free toiletries. Alam Anda – Ocean Front Resort & Spa 安达 | Anda 悅綠墅 - 宜蘭民宿 悅綠墅-奢華典雅的宮廷外觀,靜靜的矗立在夜色中,歐式風情的設計,是我們一貫堅持的品味,唯有細細體會才能明白她的獨特之處。宜蘭旅遊的住宿新選擇,就讓悅綠墅帶您感受尊爵奢華住宿體驗。 太平 | Taiping / 神木 | Shenmu… All accommodations in Guangzhou

06732876 Hotel di Solo | Amarelo Hotel - Hotel yang berlokasi strategis ini terletak di Distrik Pusat Bisnis, Kantor Pemerintahan, dan Pusat Atraksi Budaya, Makanan dan Perbelanjaan. Mudah diakses dari Bandara Internasional Adi Sumarmo dan Stasiun Kereta Api Solo Balapan di seluruh jalan bisnis. Hotel Amarelo di Kota Solo bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan semua tamu dan tempat yang paling cocok untuk bisnis liburan, melayani Anda seperti “Home away from Home” dengan layanan hangat yang diberikan oleh staf hotel. 安达 | Anda… Amita Hoteles y Gastronomía | amita hotel boutique 那田 | Nada

www.amitahotelesygastrono… Amita Hoteles y Gastronomía 那田 | Nada

09322220 Anda Andrei Design | Creative Director & Interior Designer - With her laser eye for detail, her love of epic challenges and her architectural insights, Anda Andrei has made the world a better-looking place. 安达 | Anda Anda Hotel 安达 | Anda 安道爾 - 安道尔 - 安道尔公国 安道尔的便宜酒店、旅店、公寓以及含早民宿 Andorramania - 旅館 - 安道爾 安道尔 - 安道尔公国 - 安道尔的便宜酒店、旅店、公寓以及含早民宿 Andorramania 聊城阿尔卡迪亚国际温泉酒店-首页 - 聊城阿尔卡迪亚国际温泉酒店网站首页,聊城阿尔卡迪亚国际温泉酒店(Liaocheng Arcadia International Hotspring Hotel)位于聊城市东昌府区湖南路(昌润路与湖南路交汇处东500米处路北), 是一家五星级酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 聊城 | Liaocheng

01766572 阿思瑪麗景大飯店【官方網站】: 春節訂房、花蓮飯店住宿推薦 - 阿思瑪麗景大飯店位於花蓮市中心,是您花蓮住宿推薦首選的花蓮飯店。

www.asiagulfhotelxiamen.c… Asia Gulf Hotel Xiamen official Website, Best Rate 厦门 | Xiamen

www.asiaticocisnecolladov… Asiático Cisne - Collado Villalba - China - Asiático Cisne te ofrece la más exquisita variedad de China que puedes encontrar en Collado Villalba. Ven a visitarnos o haz tu pedido online. Verás como te sorprenderemos con nuestras especialidades. Chengdu hotels & apartments, all accommodations in Chengdu - Online booking for hotels in Chengdu, China. Good availability and great rates. Cheap and secure, pay at the hotel, no booking fees. 成都市 | Chengdu Atlantis Sanya Official Site – Where water meets wonder - Book suites, rooms and restaurants in Atlantis Sanya, a unique hotel and resort on the tropica Hainan Island. Explore the marvels of The Lost Chambers Aquarium, the thrilling slides at Aquaventure Waterpark or the spectacular C Show. Experience it all! 三亚 | Sanya Atour Hotel (Xian South Gate) - Official Website, Online booking discount - Atour Hotel Xian South Gate Branch is located along the city wall, close to Yongning Men Station on Line 2. and just 1 km (0.6 mi) from the Bell Tower and 5.5 km (3.4 mi) from the Xi'an Railway Station. 西安 | Xi'an

www.auruminternationalhot… Aurum International Hotel Xi'an - Official Website, Online booking discount - Xian Aurum International Hotel (Aoluo Guoji Dajiudian) is located in central Xi'an within a short walk of Metro Line 1 and attractions such as the Drum and Bell Towers and city wall. Xi'an Railway Station is less than 2 km (1 mi) away. 西安 | Xi'an 欧欧美一级a视频先锋影音, 日韩欧美一中文字暮精品, 多人做人爱视频大全_骚尼妹小电影 - 骚尼妹小电影,禁止未满18周岁观看,2019年最新最全的欧欧美一级a视频先锋影音, 日韩欧美一中文字暮精品, 多人做人爱视频大全, 在这里有各种各样的福利视频,我们力作最佳看片体验视频站,提供最火爆最高清的视频!

www.backyardgardenoasis.c… Backyard Garden Oasis Romantic Wine Country B&B:Dog-friendly Cottages near Harbin Hot Springs/Middletown/Calistoga Wine Country - B&B Cottages w/king-sized beds in Calistoga/Harbin Hot Springs.A cheap, romantic, anniversary, girls weekene or last minute getaway. Dog friendly. 哈尔滨 | Harbin 苏州柏悦酒店-首页 - 苏州柏悦酒店网站首页,苏州柏悦酒店(Park Hyatt Suzhou)是一家豪华型酒店, 位于苏州吴中区西洲路69号, 环境雅致,以人为本,提供细微贴心的服务。 州 | Chenzhou

08310952 广州白云宾馆官方网站 - 广州白云宾馆是大型的五星级商务酒店,矗立于广州中央商务区、黄金商圈核心的环市东路,地铁站近在咫尺,亦是乘坐空港快线前往白云国际机场的必经之地,往会展中心只需短暂车程,交通极为方便,性价比高,系广交会等广州会展酒店订房的最佳选择。 州 | Chenzhou

www.baiyunlakeviewhotelgu… Baiyun Lakeside Hotel Guangzhou official Website, Best Rate 点球体育-点球体育官网-点球体育app - _ _ _点球体育小组首战的实际情况表明,在于大宝替补登场顶到锋线后,中国队进攻中的前场支点与整体框架效果有明显提升.点球体育官网经历了表现不佳并先失球的压抑上半场,从实效上说有利于国足尽快调动亚洲杯状态,提升专注力,这对接下来的主帅指挥、球员心态等都能形成一定借鉴与利好.点球体育app迪亚洛禁区内头球解围不远,克鲁泽在门前14米处左脚低射滑出右门柱!帕科脚后跟妙传,罗伊斯在门前12米处转身弧线球被帕夫伦卡扑出,桑乔右侧小角度补射打中边网!

www.balihoneymoonvillas.c… Situs Sewa Villa Di Bali - Balihoneymoonvilla - Anda ingin berlibur ke bali dan sedang mencari situs yang menyediakan informasi seputar villa yang disewakan ? Kunjungi situs ini sekarang juga. 安达 | Anda 五星级的威尼斯鲍尔酒店位于圣马可广场 | 鲍尔-鲍尔酒店- 威尼斯豪华酒店 - 鲍尔酒店坐落于威尼斯中心,地理位置优越,负有盛名。酒店拥有悠久的家族经营传统并具有典型的威尼斯风格。 北戴河苏通民宿 - 北戴河苏通民宿是一家集住宿、餐饮、办公、娱乐为一体的民宿。优越的环境、便捷的交通、周到的服务,使您感受到家的温馨与舒适,更让您体味到商务之旅的轻松与便捷。我们将以贴心周到的服务,一流的标准,不断以优质的服务来提升我们的信誉。用微笑和真诚迎接您。欢迎来电咨询。

www.beihaihotelhuangshan.… Huangshan Beihai Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Beihai Hotel Huangshan is a popular 4-star hotel extremely well located for those wishing to watch the sun set or rise from the mountain's Eastern step. This Huangshan hotel has standard rooms and suites that come equipped with all the standard up-to-date amenities. 黄山 | Huangshan / 北海 | Beihai

www.beijinghuamaozhongxin… 华贸中心商务楼-华贸中心商务楼租售价格信息-首页 - 华贸中心商务楼招商电话:010-56225887,地址北京市朝阳区建国路77号,距离14号线大望路-1号线大望路-八通线四惠,本站为您提供大厦详细信息,包括大厦地图、简介、交通位置、出租面积、日租金等。 北京 | Beijing / 朝阳 | Chaoyang 貝爾頌汽車旅館|新北樹林汽旅住宿推薦 - 新北樹林汽旅住宿推薦貝爾頌汽車旅館,每間客房皆有42吋液晶電視、按摩浴缸、蒸氣室等設備,VIP房更有私人游泳池、超大KT包廂,貝爾頌汽車旅館是你新北樹林汽旅住宿推薦最好的選擇。 重庆市本洪酒店 重庆市 | Chongqing Bestel Hotel Xiamen - Official Website, Online booking discount - Bestel Hotel Xiamen is located at the intersection of Zhongshan Road pedestrian street and Jukou Street, close to the dock and opposite the popular Gulangyu Island. Several scenic spots such as Wanshi Botanical Garden, Nanputuo Temple, Xiamen University and Huandao Road are all. 厦门 | Xiamen / 中山 | Zhongshan Best Yue Hang Hotel Kunming - Official Website, Online booking discount - Best Yue Hang Hotel Kunming is five-star hotel just 0.5 km (0.3 mi) from the Changshui International Airport.Free parking and Wi-Fi in public areas are offered to guests of this hotel.The on-site restaurant serves Chinese and Western cuisine. Business travelers have access 昆明 | Kunming 普宁市碧辉园酒店 - 碧辉园酒店位于中国广东普宁市广汕公路大华溪南侧324国道旁,是一家集客房、餐饮、娱乐、康乐和会议为一体的多功能综合性高星级商务酒店。 普宁 | Puning Apartments in Staunton, Va - Big Sky Apartments - Big Sky Apartments in Staunton, Va, set atop the hills of historic Staunton, offers beautiful apartments with panoramic views of the Shenandoah Valley. Binzhou Hotel, China - Binzhou Hotel is located in the Zhonghai Park, just a few miles away to the east of exhibition center.This Binzhou hotel offers different room types including deluxe rooms and suites.

03025114 比驿 - 国际酒店查询比价预订 & 预订酒店特惠巨省钱 products - flights interface - City products - hotels interface - POI interface - map Star - 一次搜索比较优质旅行网站,找到超值酒店优惠,就在比驿网。即时为你搜索全球酒店优惠。 欧美日韩视频高清一区,中文字幕乱码2,中文字幕无码高清晰 - 我站提供欧美日韩视频高清一区,中文字幕乱码2,中文字幕无码高清晰,夜已深了,明月当空,繁星点点,一个人的生活,一个人在亵渎寂寞 深圳机场附近酒店_会展周边人气酒店_深圳会议酒店_高端商务酒店-宝利来 | |深圳宝利来国际大酒店官方网站-官方预定更优惠! - 深圳宝利来国际大酒店有限责任公司是深圳宝安国际机场和福永码头附近的高端商务人气酒店, 是专业的五星级酒店, 支持豪华包厢、豪华装修总统套房在线预订业务. 深圳 | Shenzhen / 安国 | Anguo

www.blossomhotelhangzhou.… Blossom Hotel Hangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Blossom Hotel Hangzhou is a four-star hotel conveniently located 10-30-minute drive away to Hangzhou South Railway Station, Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport, downtown area and West Lake. It covers an area of 30, 000 square meters.For hungry guests, there are 1, 500 seats.

www.blossomwatermuseumhot… Hangzhou Blossom Water Museum Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Hangzhou Blossom Water Museum Hotel is located by the Qiantang River in the Water Museum area.Rooms in this 5-star Hangzhou hotel feature superior amenities. Each room and suite offers a private balcony and French window from which guests can enjoy views of the garden and river. 台中住宿推薦、台中車站旅館|挪威森林行旅1號店 - 台中住宿推薦、台中車站旅館,挪威森林行旅1號店位於台中火車站附近,地理位置佳,交通十分便利,生活機能良好,步行至宮原眼科僅3分鐘,距離一中街商圈車程約10分鐘,飯店設施齊全,附有健身房及兒童遊戲區,是到台中旅行的最佳選擇。 博鳌亚洲湾度假酒店-欢迎您 - 博鳌亚洲湾度假酒店欢迎您,博鳌亚洲湾度假酒店官网在线预订2折起,酒店英文名:Boao Asia Bay Resort,博鳌亚洲湾度假酒店是四海度假旗下的一线海景滨海度假综合体,位于博鳌亚洲论坛举办地博鳌,博鳌亚洲湾度假酒店2013年1月18日开业,拥有海南最大的中央海景度假泳池近5000㎡,其中儿童泳池1个、大游泳池1个、温泉泳池1个、其他泳池2个、景观水池3个;私家滨海景观步行道:海边私家沙滩设有沙滩排球、沙滩足球、以及海南规模最大的水上乐园娱乐项目,任汗水挥洒在海风之中;博鳌亚洲湾度假酒店建有占地1500㎡的博鳌亚洲湾度假酒店网址 海南 | Hainan 广州柏高酒店 - 连锁酒店网站首页 - 广州柏高酒店连锁酒店首页, 是一家高档型连锁酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 全天恭侯您莅临! 州 | Chenzhou

www.boleinternationalhote… Bole International Hotel – The high quality service 树干 | Bole Bolt Hotel Dalian official Website, Best Rate - Bolt Hotel Dalian official Website, Best Rate guarantee, book now!The Bolt Hotel Dalian is located at Xinggong Street of Shahekou District. It is 8 kilometers from the airport. Bolt Hotel Dalian features travel service, baggage storage, postal service, wake-up calls, laundry service, free parking, safe-deposit boxes at front desk, wheelchairs for the disabled and other facilities and services. Bolt Hotel Dalian are also Chinese restaurant, western restaurant, coffee s... 大连市 | Dalian 温江装饰_双流|温江装修公司_精装房别墅装修_成都整装公司【梵纯高端设计】 - 温江装修公司梵纯设计,作为温江装饰行业领跑者专注于成都、温江、双流工装、家装、别墅装修、售楼部样板房装修、商业办公空间装修,为一体的成都整装公司,在成都,双流,温江装修公司排名名列前茅, Buddha Zen Hotel Chengdu - Official Website, Online booking discount - Buddha Zen Hotel Chengdu (BuddhaZen Hotel) immerses guests in a thoroughly Buddhist environment. This Chengdu hotel is conveniently located next to Tianfu Plaza and Chunxi Road and is very close to the Wenshu Monastery.The hotel masterfully combines the beauty of traditional Chinese culture. 成都市 | Chengdu

www.butterflyvalleyresort… 蝴蝶谷酒店|客房设施|休闲设施|商务套房 - 佛山蝴蝶谷酒店是一家拥有地中海风格的自然风景酒店,充分发挥“商务、度假、会议”的功能优势,让每一位成功人士更从容的开展商务活动和享受“地中海风格”服务。佛山蝴蝶谷酒店拥有精致实用,品味高雅的客房、套房及14幢环湖别墅,设施先进齐备,均配备可独立调控的中央空调、国际直拨长途电话、卫星电视、宽频互联网接口等,房间设施还包括电子感应门锁、迷你酒吧、私人保险箱、25寸纯平遥控电视等。… 澳大利亚旅店, 酒店, 乡村旅馆, 汽车旅馆出售 - 集大自然健康生活和移民澳洲为一身的绝佳生意选择——澳大利亚大洋洲际为你推荐澳大利亚旅游住宿物业 杭州星都宾馆有限公司 州 | Chenzhou… Caribbean Bay Youth Hostel - Shenzhen - China - Offering a terrace and sun terrace, Caribbean Bay Youth Hostel is located in Shenzhen in the Guangdong Region, 6 km from Shenzhen Stadium. 深圳 | Shenzhen / [cn] Casa China Blanca - Villa description website for reservations, rates, details Casa Villa Verde | A quiet Conchas Chinas beachfront villa 罗阳哪里有主题酒店-博罗体院馆附近酒店-博罗凯盛达商务酒店首页 - 博罗凯盛达商务酒店,位于东山森林公园脚下。以打造博罗体院馆附近服务好的酒店、卫生好的酒店、性价比高的酒店;以快捷准确、尊贵礼遇的对客服务的特点以塑造精品商务型酒店的典范;为中产白领人士提供优质的酒店住宿服务,联系电话:0752-6608333。 郑州中晟卡莱顿大酒店-首页 - 郑州中晟卡莱顿大酒店网站首页,郑州中晟卡莱顿大酒店(Calyton Hotel Zhengzhou)位于郑州二七区中原西路82号中晟银泰国际中心, 是一家豪华型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 州 | Chenzhou 广州市卡威尔酒店有限公司 州 | Chenzhou It all starts here / 一切从这里开始 C&D Hotel Fuzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - C&D Hotel Fuzhou is Next to the beautiful West Lake, and is situated in the central business district of Fuzhou. It takes merely 10 minutes by car to the Fuzhou Railway Station.The Chinese restaurant and the Western restaurant are ready to offer a feast for you with their C&D Hotel Xiamen - Official Website, Online booking discount - C&D Hotel Xiamen(Yeohwa Hotel) is a garden style business conference hotel that is most famous for its ECO-GARDEN courtyard.It's also known as the Best Urban Oasis and Original Ecological Environments because of its warm, peaceful and elegant atmosphere. 厦门 | Xiamen CD Resort, Wuyi Mountain official Website, Best Rate Guarantee - CD Resort, Wuyi Mountain official Website, Best Rate Guarantee, book now!The 5-star CD Resort, Wuyi Mountain hotel is situated in the National Tourist Holiday Area, facing the great Wuyi Mountain, one of China’s famous scenic spots. The CD Resort, Wuyi Mountain boasts 204 guestrooms and suites, each equipped with air conditioning, cable TV, IDD, private bathroom, etc. With high quality service, the CD Resort, Wuyi Mountain features various-sized conference room with business service. Th...… Celebrity City Hotel Nanjing - Official Website, Online booking discount - Celebrity City Hotel Nanjing is conveniently located near local attractions such as Gulou Square, Hunan Pedestrian Street and Shiziqiao.Room types range from deluxe and business rooms, to celebrity suites. All business rooms have computers with free internet access, and there 南京 | Nanjing / 湖南 | Hunan

www.celebritycityhotelche… Celebrity City Hotel Chengdu official Website, Best Rate 成都市 | Chengdu

www.centeniohotelfoshan.c… Centenio International Hotel Foshan official Website, Best Rate 佛山市 | Foshan 经典美文_散文阅读_美文推荐-小蚂蚁美文网 - 小蚂蚁美文网汇集以爱情, 亲情, 友情, 人生为主题的伤感情感美文网站, 内含经典美文, 散文阅读, 美文美句等经典文章, 提供精选故事, 心情日记, 语录文章, 成语大全, 优秀作文等读者文摘在线阅读,坚持天天更新,用心为广大网友服务。

www.centralhotelnanjing.c… Nanjing Central Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Nanjing Central Hotel is located in the Xinjiekou commercial hub.This Nanjing hotel features an airy 25-meter high atrium lobby, attentive service. With a floor space of 38000 ㎡, the hotel has accommodation, catering, swimming pool, fitness center, beauty salon. 南京 | Nanjing 酒店布草订制_酒店客房布草_酒店用品批发_广州长丰隆宾馆床上用品 - 广州长丰隆酒店用品有限公司主营酒店客房布草、酒店四件套、酒店床品、酒店布草订制、酒店床单、酒店被套、酒店被子、宾馆床上用品、酒店用品批发、酒店枕头等,产品远销欧美,中东及东南亚等多个国家及地区。 州 | Chenzhou 北京长白山国际酒店【官方网站】 - 北京长白山国际酒店位于奥体中心东侧,至鸟巢水立方仅需10分钟,至国家会议中心需5分钟车程,至首都机场仅需30分钟、至北京火车站需40分钟,至北京市中心区需30分钟,交通十分便利。 北京 | Beijing / 白山 | Baishan

www.changchunabritzhotel.… Changchun Abritz Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Changchun Abritz Hotel is located in the Changchun High-tech Development Zone, which is close to the Jingyuetan National Forest Park.The hotel is 20 minutes from the Changchun Railway Station and 45-minutes fromt the Changchun Longjia Airport.The hotel features airport pickup service, 长春 | Changchun 广州长隆酒店-首页 - 广州长隆酒店网站首页,广州长隆酒店(Changlong Hotel Guangzhou)位于广州市番禺区迎宾路(番禺长隆、广州南站附近,迎宾路), 是一家豪华型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 州 | Chenzhou

www.changshahopeskyhotel.… Changsha Hopesky Hotel official Website, Best Rate 长沙 | Changsha

www.changshalonghuahotel.… Changsha Longhua International Hotel official Website, Best Rate 长沙 | Changsha Cheery Canal Hotel Hangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Cheery Canal Hotel Hangzhou(Che'fle Canal Hotel), located in the Gongshu district in Hangzhou, and it features free WiFi access and free private parking. The hotel has a spa centre and fitness centre, and guests can enjoy a drink at the bar. Dalian, China Hotel | The Castle Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Dalian - Reserve your stay at The Castle Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Dalian. Enjoy sophisticated European design and ocean-view rooms here in Dalian, China. 大连市 | Dalian

www.chengduairporthotel.c… Chengdu Airport Hotel – Book Online - Hotels at Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport for transit passengers and visitors to Chengdu. Current special deals. Guaranteed best rates. 成都市 | Chengdu All accommodations in Chengdu 成都市 | Chengdu Chengdu Xiyue Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Chengdu Xiyue Hotel is a great choice for guests looking for accommodation in Chengdu, having been recently opened in 2015. For guests wanting easy access to the Shuangliu Area and Free Wi-Fi in designated areas, this hotel ticks all the boxes. 成都市 | Chengdu 广州晨悦商务大酒店 - 晨悦酒店 州 | Chenzhou

05042947 南庄露營 -金成民宿渡假山莊 - 南庄露營場地, 金成山莊提供溫馨舒適的露營場地, 全區供電遮雨屋頂及舒適明亮的衛浴與熱水供應, 就算是初次露營的人也可以輕易上手,園區並提供悠閒恬靜的渡假民宿, 在南庄依山傍水的天然環境中享受悠閒的住宿與溪畔露營的旅遊行程。園區配合多項活動設施如烤肉, 桶子雞, 擣麻糬等讓您享受一趟難忘的假期。 China Golf Hotels

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www.chinahotelfurniturefa… China custom hotel furniture factory&manufacturer&supplier|Artech - As a China custom furniture factory&Supplier, Artech factory produces hotel furniture for 5 star hotel and home furniture for villa and apartment. Email:sincegrity (ET) Tel:13760735901

www.chinahotelguangzhou.c… China Hotel Guangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - China Hotel Guangzhou(former A Marriott Hotel) is renovated in 2016, and offers both holiday makers and business travelers a pleasant stay in Guangzhou. Free in-room Wi-Fi and convenient access to the Guangzhou Railway Station and Yuexiu Park Area make this hotel a fantastic choice.

01991871 中国国際見本市情報 上海 | Shanghai / 北京 | Beijing 旅游首页_旅游度假_酒店预订_景点门票_特价机票_出国签证_自驾租车_九华山酒店网络预订中心 - sdf-中国最专业全面的旅游线路和自助游一站式旅游服务提供商, 客户满意度96%;提供旅游度假,酒店预订,景点门票,特价机票,出国签证,自驾租车。实时发团日期, 报价, 行程, 全程优质的服务保障 Chinar Apartments

www.chinatownhotelyangon.… Best Western Chinatown Hotel | Best Western Chinatown Hotel, Yangon, Myanmar - the latest business class hotel is the preferred choice for local and international business and leisure travelers. Strategically located, a balanced mix of modern Chinese Restaurant Alameda | Delicious & Affordable | China Villa - Come enjoy our new Alameda Chinese Restaurant, China Villa. We offer great food at reasonable prices overlooking Harbor Bay Lagoon.

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www.christianshotelluoyan… Christian's Hotel Luoyang - Official Website, Online booking discount - Christian's Hotel Luoyang, located in the center of charming Luoyang, is characterized by its Bauhaus design and lavishly appointed themed rooms. Nearby attractions include Luoyang Museum, Luoshen Theatre and Zhouwangcheng Square.The hotel's modernist design sets it 洛阳 | Luoyang

03753268 中壢住宿推薦 中壢火車站 住宿-桃園中壢平價旅店 - 桃園中壢平價旅店是您到桃園旅遊、中壢住宿的最佳桃園住宿推薦首選。 韩国三级电影, 激情片, 韩国黄片, 日韩三级片, 爱爱电影, jiucaoba, 奇米第四, 东京热在线偷拍2019 - 韩国三级电影, 激情片, 韩国黄片, 日韩三级片, 爱爱电影, jiucaoba, 奇米第四, 东京热在线偷拍2019, 免费看成人影视, 1024av独家, 好屌妞在线视频免费观看, 大香蕉视频在线观看, 国产高清AV在线观看破除, 91啪啪啪在线, 大香蕉手机在线观看

www.cinihracurunlerifuari… Canton Fuari | Çin Canton, Uluslararası Sektörel fuarlar fuar takvimi, FUAR TAKIP motoru - fuar ve iº gezileri, turlar, çin kanton fuarı, guangzhou, pazhou, yerli ve yabancı sektörel fuarlar, hotel konaklamalı fuar turları, dünya fuarları portalı, kongre seminer toplantı organizasyonları City Hotel Foshan official Website, Best Rate 佛山市 | Foshan… Vertical City Hotel Guangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Vertical City Hotel Guangzhou is close to the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and grants guests easy access to the Changgang station of the Metro Lines 2 and 8.Both Chinese and Western foods are served in this Guangzhou hotel.Those with events to organize are invited to make full. 中国民商法律网 广州中国大酒店-首页 - 广州中国大酒店网站首页,广州中国大酒店(China Hotel Guangzhou)位于广州市越秀区流花路122号, 是一家五星级酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 州 | Chenzhou

www.collinsboulevard-apar… Collins Boulevard - Gading Serpong | Info Harga & Pemesanan - Collins Boulevard, sebuah Apartemen dengan konsep modern Live Alongside Art, namun tetap dengan harga yang terjangkau. Anda bisa pesan sekarang! Info pricelist bisa anda lihat disini. (Bisa dicicil) 安达 | Anda… Creature Comfort Inn | Home | The Shenandoah Valley's Award Winning Pet Enrichment Resort & Dog Training Center Dongguan OYC Crown Prince Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - OYC Crown Prince Hotel Dongguan is located in the center of Huangjiang, a 30-minute drive from Dongguan city center, 45 minutes from Shenzhen International Airport and 15 minutes from Changping Railway Station.The lobby is a replica of a 19th Century European palace. 东莞市 | Dongguan

www.crystalpalace-hotel.c… Crystal Palace Hotel Tianjin - Official Website, Online booking discount - Crystal Palace Hotel Tianjin is situated by a lake and is near both the 天津 | Tianjin 菠菜论坛 - 网站官网 - 菠菜论坛【】机电有限公司流量计在中国的推广应用,以及分销网络的建立,目前已把产品推广到石油、炼油、化工、电力、冶金、供水及污水处理等行业,菠菜论坛官网在流量计量、监控、检定和能源普查、水资源监测和环保排污监测、企业能源计算机管理监测中正发挥积极的作用,并以完善的销售网络和真诚的售后服务赢得中国用户和国客户的信赖。 Royal Chinaware - Royal Chinaware. We supply a wide range of porcelain-ware, complimenting any occasion whether it is for home or commercial use (this incl. restaurants, homeware shops, hospitality suppliers, hotels, coffee shops and many more) 湖南大华宾馆-首页 湖南 | Hunan 绍兴代理记账_代理记账费用多少_绍兴广诚财务 - 绍兴广诚财务提供专业的绍兴企业财税服务、绍兴代理记账服务、绍兴公司注册服务、绍兴商标注册服务、绍兴社保开户、绍兴社保代缴等绍兴一站式企业服务。 绍兴 | Shaoxing

www.danexecutiveapartment… Dan Executive Apartment Guangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Dan Executive Apartment Guangzhou is located at the central business district of Pearl River new area.Various rooms come complete with kitchens, bathrooms, high-speed internet access, private safes and LCD TVs.

www.daxininternationalhot… Guangzhou Daxin International Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Guangzhou Daxin International Hotel is located on Jinzhongheng Road, at the foot of the Baiyun mountain and adjoin Guangzhou international Clarithromycin Capsules and commercial plaze. Superior geographical position and rapid traffic will convenient to your journey.The hotel

www.dayanlankalakeresort.… Dayan Lanka Lake View Resort 大雁 | Dayan Wyndham Hotel Xian official Website, Best Rate - Wyndham Hotel Xian official Website, Best Rate guarantee, book now!The Wyndham Hotel Xian is an ideal spot for travelers wanting to discover the city. With the Xijing Hospital/Kangfu Road Area just 1km away, this hotel is conveniently situated.Xi'an Railway Station is located approximately 4km away from this hotel. Transportation around the city is also convenient, with Tong Hua Men Station Metro Station within walking distance.After a long day of sightseeing, guests can retire to the comfort of t... 西安 | Xi'an 柳州东城酒店投资管理有限公司_华美达酒店_悦和酒店_雅和酒店 百度地图API自定义地图 无标题文档 - 柳州东城酒店投资管理有限公司主要负责东城集团所有酒店板块业务的投资经营管理工作。目前旗下柳州东城华美达广场酒店为柳东新区酒店行业标杆,位于柳州国际会展中心旁;雅和酒店位于柳州网球中心旁;雅和小镇酒店位于卡乐星球欢乐世界、克里湾水乐园、园博园旁。 州 | Chenzhou

www.delighthotel-dalian.c… Delight Hotel Dalian - Official Website, Online booking discount - Delight Hotel Dalian is Within easy reach of the harbour and the airport, and is a Sino-American joint venture located on this harbour city's most popular business center.There are 300 nicely decorated guestrooms equipped with tea and coffee making facilities, minibars, 大连市 | Dalian 广州丹顿行政公寓-首页 - 广州丹顿行政公寓网站首页,广州丹顿行政公寓(Guangzhou Den Executive Apartment)位于广州天河区珠江新城海安路2号(民生银行大厦南则,与猎德大道交汇处), 是一家高档型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临!

06497066… Departamento Latino – Últimas novedades de China 罗浮山墓园|罗浮山永久公墓|全国示范墓园「罗浮山」 - 永久公墓推荐【罗浮山】罗浮山墓园提供墓地风水, 墓地价格, 购墓一对一服务.道、佛两教外,儒学发达, 唐玄宗亲笔提名千年古寺坐落于本园, 佛法护佑, 庇护始终, 实乃修身养心佳地.罗浮山墓园公墓价格透明合理, 经审批-永久性公墓.

www.dinosaurvalley-resort… 常州环球恐龙城恐龙主题度假酒店-首页 - 常州环球恐龙城恐龙主题度假酒店网站首页,常州环球恐龙城恐龙主题度假酒店(Dinosaur Resort Changzhou)位于常州新北区河海东路60号迪诺水镇内(恐龙园新大门旁), 是一家豪华型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 州 | Chenzhou

www.directoriodevillavice… 佳木斯嚎碌装饰工程有限公司 佳木斯 | Jiamusi

www.diyishanghaizhongxin.… 第一上海中心 - 欢迎您! - 北京第一上海中心租赁电话:010-57139611,地址北京市朝阳区亮马桥路39号,距离地铁10号线亮马桥站B出口1200米。本站实时更新大厦租赁信息,包括大厦的出租面积、出售面积、简介、交通位置、照片、日租金、售价、地图、楼盘参数和物业等相关信息。 上海 | Shanghai / 北京 | Beijing 东盟国际大酒店 星级酒店_客房住宿_婚宴场所_会议场所_会所ktv - 东盟国际大酒店是广西现代联华集团斥巨资按国际五星级标准设计建造,集住宿、餐饮、婚宴、休闲娱乐、桑拿健身、商务功能于一体的涉外涉外商务酒店。酒店拥有218间泰式、韩式、日式、伊斯兰式和中国古典式的客房,采用多元素设计,凸显异国风情;设在二楼的宴会厅,能同事容纳500多人用餐,18间超豪华的贵宾包厢,具有东盟各国特色和中国古风。 广西 | Guangxi Changsha Dolton Resort Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Dolton International Hotel Changsha is a 5-star hotel located in the heart of the city, only 30 minutes by car from the airport.and five minutes from the railway station. The Dolton boasts variously sized rooms and suites. 长沙 | Changsha 南宁东春大酒店官网-南宁东春大酒店官方网站 - 南宁东春大酒店是一家按照国际四星级标准装修的会议、商务型酒店预订热线:0771-5818098/5818088 南宁 | Nanning

www.dongfanghotel-guangzh… Dong Fang Hotel Guangzhou official Website, Best Rate Guarantee - Dong Fang Hotel Guangzhou official Website, Best Rate Guarantee, book now!Surrounded by 10, 000 sq m (11, 960 sq yd) of lush subtropical garden, the Dong Fang Hotel Guangzhou is a luxurious 5-star hotel located by the Yuexiu Park Metro Station at the foot of Yuexiu Hill and adjacent to Liuhuahu Park which encloses Liuhua Lake, making this Guangzhou hotel a perfect starting point for scenic and relaxing strolls. In addition, the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, the Guangzhou R... Welcome to Dong Fang Hotel The Best in Guangzhou for Convenience, Globalization, Luxury, and Tradition - Built in 1961, Dong Fang Hotel is the most long-standing 5-star Guangzhou hotel. It also enjoys the convenient location in the central hub of Guangzhou business area, with a 30-minute drive to the international airport and a 2-minute walk to the subway station. Surrounded by Liuhua Lake, Yuexiu Park, Chinese Import & Export Commodities Fair (Liu Hua Complex) and Jinhan Exhibition Center, Dong Fang Hotel has been the top choice of visitors’ b... 杭州东方魅力招聘模特专线:18814807777-杭州最好的ktv-杭州夜总会首选东方魅力 - 杭州东方魅力招聘模特专线:18814807777,要求:女性净高165以上(男性勿扰), 待遇1500/1800/2000, 提供住宿, 报销路费, 包厢预订:(0571)8899-9933, 认准官网 州 | Chenzhou Hilton Ningbo Dongqian Lake Resort official Website, Best Rate - Hilton Ningbo Dongqian Lake Resort official Website, Best Rate guarantee, book now!The Hilton Ningbo Dongqian Lake Resort located in Dongqian Lake where you can experience the local famous Fishing Light at Yinwan Bay scenery right across from the resort. With a luxury and modern interior design, the Hilton Ningbo Dongqian Lake Resort creates a total relaxation environment for you, whereby you could appreciate the artistic creation which were tastefully furnished. Choose from 280 sp... 宁波市 | Ningbo 杭州东园时尚假日酒店 州 | Chenzhou

www.doubletreehotelqingda… Wyndham Hotel Qingdao XinJiang official Website, Best Rate - Wyndham Hotel Qingdao XinJiang official Website, Best Rate guarantee, book now!Wyndham Hotel Qingdao XinJiang is a great choice for accommodation when visiting Qingdao. It is only 5 km to Liuting Airport and 30 km to Qingdao Railway Station. With its convenient location, Wyndham Hotel Qingdao XinJiang offers easy access to the neighboring key destinations, like business center. In order to provide the best living experience for you, all rooms are equipped with free toiletries, electric... 青岛市 | Qingdao 雙美行旅|台中歐式風格平價旅店 近台中火車站一中商圈 - 台中歐式全新裝潢旅店雙美行旅鄰近台中公園、一中商圈、日曜天地OUTLET、宮原眼科等多個台中熱門景點,距離台中市公車及客運轉運站干城站走路只要五分鐘,離台中火車站10分鐘,地點優越、交通便利,無論是前往台中其他景點旅遊或在市區洽公出差,入住雙美行旅,讓旅程變得輕鬆快捷。 500彩票_首页_合肥资脑扰集团 - 500彩票为光大玩家收集最新最全▓500万彩票▓投彩信息, 500万彩票注册, 500万彩票APP下载强大的竞彩网上推荐、竞彩分析等竞彩投注数据助你快人一步, 赢彩票大奖! 合肥 | Hefei Relais & Chateaux·The Dreamland Resort official Website, Best Rate Guarantee - Relais & Chateaux·The Dreamland Resort official Website, Best Rate Guarantee, book now!Renovated in 2017, the Relais & Chateaux·The Dreamland Resort is a great choice for accommodation in Zhuhai. The Relais & Chateaux·The Dreamland Resort is 21km from Zhuhai Railway Station and 55km from Jinwan Airport. When guests have some time on their hands they can make use of the onsite facilities. For guests' convenience, airport pickup can be arranged. Germaphobes can rest eas... 珠海 | Zhuhai

www.dubaiparksandresorts.… 迪拜主题乐园 | 迪拜乐园及度假村 - 尽情游玩,给自己留下终生的回忆。迪拜乐园及度假村是您的美好回忆开始的地方 酒店, 旅馆, 度假屋和家庭公寓;世界各地好房就在度假屋 - 酒店, 旅馆, 度假屋和家庭公寓;世界各地好房,免费发布房源信息. 朵丽米酒店官网--时尚、潮流、自信、品味的音乐文化酒店。 - 朵丽米酒店以音乐酒吧,潮咖啡,智能客房为特色的音乐文化酒店,精心为“自信、品味、时尚、潮流”的商务精英,提供多维度的精致商旅体验,为年轻人提供分享旅行生活的城市潮流文化聚集地。 独山子大酒店 - 独山子酒店地处乌鲁木齐市克拉玛依西路700号,距新疆地窝堡国际机场15分钟车距。是由独山子石化总厂投资1。2亿元人民币在乌鲁木齐市投资的,按国家四星级酒店标准建造的集客房、餐饮、娱乐、商务洽谈为一体的新型商务型酒店。 乌鲁木齐 | Urumqi / 克拉玛依 | Karamay / 新疆 | Xinjiang 大峡谷宾馆官方网站欢迎您!-金口河宾馆│金口河酒店│大峡谷酒店 - 乐山鑫河电力综合开发有限公司大峡谷宾馆是一家按四星级标准精心修建的现代化宾馆。它位于金口河城区滨河路,与金口河客运中心站仅一墙之隔,驱车前往中国十大地质公园之一的金口大峡谷仅需10分钟,距世界自然与文化遗产―峨眉山(报国寺)70km;距乐山大佛风景区110km。在宾馆可遥望陡峭的瓦山雄姿,前临奔腾的大渡河,是您旅游观光、商务洽谈、朋友聚会的休闲度假的理想去处。 乐山 | Leshan / 眉山 | Meishan 广州增城伊士高酒店-首页 - 广州增城伊士高酒店网站首页,广州增城伊士高酒店(Easco Hotel Guangzhou)位于广州增城市荔城街观翠路21号, 是一家豪华型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 州 | Chenzhou The East Hotel Hangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - The East Hotel Hangzhou is a deluxe hotel located in downtown Hangzhou and about a ten-minute drive from West Lake, a UNESCO World Heritage site and Hangzhou premier's tourist attraction. This Hangzhou hotel offers guestrooms and suites, which are appointed with bathtubs, LCD TVs.

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www.eliteresortsofasiapac… 高清在线制服亚洲_亚洲男人的天堂色偷偷_国产亚洲综合欧美视频 - 高清在线制服亚洲为您提供亚洲男人的天堂色偷偷, 国产亚洲综合欧美视频, 手机版青青青草免费观看, 天天射影院, 图片区 偷拍区, 一级a做爰片就在线看, 精品国产自在线拍男人到天堂去a线、一本书道在线DVD播放、小说区图片区综合久久、男女做爱, 本站视频经过优化加速, 让您感受极致的观看效果! Elite Spring Villas official Website, Best Rate Guarantee - Elite Spring Villas official Website, Best Rate Guarantee, book now!Located near Hong’enyan and Qingshuiyan Scenic Area, far away from the noisy city, the Elite Spring Villas (Anxi Yuequan Xingguan) creates a quiet atmosphere for guests. Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport and Quanzhou Railway Station are accessible within 116 and 85 minutes by car, respectively. Elite Spring Villas Dining outlets here include Chinese restaurant, tea house and lobby bar. Room service is available. Those... 官网-东湖别墅 - 东湖别墅位于东直门外大街, 是国际化都市中一处静谧的绿洲。精巧的庭园和碧绿的湖水相映成趣,京城最豪华的国外宾客住宅小区之一。东湖别墅西邻市区二环主路,东邻使馆区和中央商务社区(CBD),周边环绕着国际学校,娱乐休闲场所和京城诸多名胜古迹。 京城 | Jingcheng / 北京 | Beijing

www.emparkgrandhotelkunmi… Empark Grand Hotel Kunming - Official Website, Online booking discount - Empark Grand Hotel Kunming a five-star hotel 10 minutes away from the airport and the train station by cab.This Kunming hotel houses rooms and suites with amenities including satellite TVs, in-room safes and international direct dial phones.Guests can also enjoy hot spring water 昆明 | Kunming 峨眉山大酒店 - 峨眉山大酒店,唯一官网,全网实时低价,出行方便;峨眉山住宿,温泉,疗养,亲子,家庭,拓展,美食,千人会议室千人婚宴应有尽有。峨眉山景区园林酒店度假首选 眉山 | Meishan 中文字幕2018年最新中字版, 2017中文字字幕一本, 中文字幕无线码--魅影小妖 费尔蒙酒店及度假村 - 豪华 5 星级酒店及套房 Right Arrow Account Icon - 欢迎来到费尔蒙豪华酒店和宫殿。预订客房,体验极致舒享。瑞士酒店提供健康水疗,家庭住宿及商务住宿(设有会议室)。 Website Informasi Bed & Breakfast Terbaik - Fall-creek-farm - Di website fall-creek-farm Anda akan menemukan informasi seputar bed & breakfast terbaik yang mungkin bisa Anda temui di destinasi tujuan Anda. 安达 | Anda 果博网 - 有美国专家分析了我国在疫情初期采取的防控措施,认为中国为世界各国进行防疫拖住了时间...G

01792044 Flow Apartment - Meet Stylish Natural Beauty. Flow Apartment是專注於天然保養、香氛與家居用品的風格選物店,我們在純粹的成分與美感尋找平衡,與世界各地獨立工作室合作,無動物實驗、無有害成分讓身心靈獲得溫暖滋養。 风门口度假酒店 - 风门口度假酒店由宁波市海园旅游开发有限公司投资,严格按照高星级标准修建,装饰的豪华滨海旅游度假型酒店。酒店位于象山县鹤浦镇南田岛风门口省级森林公园(AAA)景区,环境优雅,气候怡人,富有“天然氧吧,疗养人生”之美誉。 宁波市 | Ningbo

www.fourpointsluohehotel.… Business & Leisure Hotel in Luohe | Four Points by Sheraton Luohe - Book your stay at Four Points by Sheraton Luohe. Our Luohe hotel offers local amenities for business & leisure travelers. he河 | Luohe 【护栏】【铝合金护栏】【铝合金阳台护栏】佛山天谱安铝合金护栏厂家 - 佛山市天谱安建材科技有限公司,是铝合金护栏加工实体厂家。产品有:铝艺护栏、铝合金护栏 、铝合金阳台护栏、铝合金围栏、锌钢护栏、锌钢阳台护栏、锌钢围栏等产品40多种款式。包安装别墅小区楼盘,选天谱安.10年老字号,服务客户超1万+,自有2个工厂,30000㎡生产基地,栏杆生产线,资深技术团队,深化图纸,为客户量身打造钢结构全套解决方案的实力厂家,24小时咨询热线:400-0757-836. 佛山市 | Foshan 绵阳罗浮山浮生御度假村-欢迎您 - 绵阳罗浮山浮生御度假村欢迎您,绵阳罗浮山浮生御度假村官网在线预订2折起,酒店英文名:Fushengyu Resort,绵阳罗浮山浮生御度假村是由四川万生旅游开发有限公司投资兴建的,由荷兰知名设计师倾情打造,设计属于:北欧超前极简主义风格。是一个充满艺术气息并拥抱自然风光的奢华静居,被数百亩自然森林所环绕。 绵阳罗浮山浮生御度假村规模:占地面积约700亩,主要以别墅式住宿群、温泉中心、SPA、餐饮中心、会议中心、茶室、慕薇阁综合楼、康乐项目(马场、垂钓捕虾、植物迷宫、花房、乒乓球、网球、蓝球、射箭)有机农场、果园等绵阳罗浮山浮生御度假村网址 潍坊治疗痔疮医院哪家比较好_肛瘘便血肛裂治疗_潍坊市市立医院肛肠科 - 潍坊市市立医院是潍坊治疗痔疮好的肛肠医院,具有比较好的肛肠治疗设备和治疗技术,汇集很多好的肛肠医生团队。 潍坊 | Weifang

www.fuyanginternationaltr… Fuyang International Trade Center Hotel Hangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Fuyang International Trade Center Hotel Hangzhou is situated next to the beautiful Fuchun River (Fuchun Jiang), and is a five-star business hotel.within easy reach of the Dongwu Cultural Park and Mount Guan (Guan Shan). Riverside guestrooms offer expansive views of 台州方远国际大酒店 - [台州方远国际大酒店]是由台州方远建设集团发起 LN Garden Hotel Guangzhou - LN Garden Hotel, Guangzhou is the first landmark 5-star luxury hotel, the perfect choice for your journey in Guangzhou. Make bookings now.

www.gardenvillacollection… 老司机ae福利入口-老司机ae福利网站-最新老司线观看老司机 天津金皇大酒店 天津 | Tianjin 上海粤海酒店-官方网站 - 上海粤海酒店欢迎您,上海粤海酒店官网在线预订,上海粤海酒店网址,酒店英文名:Guangdong Hotel Shanghai,上海粤海酒店位于上海市虹口区逸仙路328号,楼高23层,比邻复旦大学、同济大学、上海外国语大学等著名学府。上海粤海酒店所在地——大柏树工贸中心区是上海市十二个区. 上海 | Shanghai / 粤 | Guangdong 广州W酒店-W酒店经典会所|广州索菲特酒店|广州粤汇会所|广州Space plus|广州18号俱乐部 广州伊士丹顿酒店会所 广州经典夜总会怎么样 - 欢迎光临经典俱乐部, 广州W酒店经典俱乐部是全球俱乐部之一,也是商业, 时尚, 文化等各界精英社交聚会的场所。欢迎来电:139 22110061 州 | Chenzhou / 粤 | Guangdong Yutong Hotel Guangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Yutong Hotel Guangzhou is situated in downtown Guangzhou, adjacent to the East Railway Station and International Convention & Exhibition Center, the Yutong Hotel does a good job in integrating accommodation, catering, entertainment and events. Baiyun International Airport is… 天堂AV国产在线 国产狠狠狠的在啪线香蕉 国产自拍在线 - 天堂AV国产在线 国产狠狠狠的在啪线香蕉 国产自拍在线绝未满18岁者进入, 暖暖直播很黄为色友提供费分享福利视频、宅男福利, 撸男必撸!中国主播福利在线观看最新app下载邀您一起来欣赏。 綠島海灣會館 | 來綠島不只要感受海洋的魅力,良好的休息品質也很重要,"綠島海灣" 不只提供住宿、潛水考照、浮潛、行程規劃、夜釣等一連串新體驗 舒適的休憩環境更是讓旅程多了一份溫馨感,絕對不能錯過唷 ! 迪威国际-19116077778 - 迪威国际客服电话:【19188356969】-->>【微信同步】-->> 客服QQ【2480515406】迪威国际网址:【】迪威国际诚信天下,客服24小时在线~ 桂林会展国际酒店-官方网站 桂林 | Guilin HengTong Gloria Resort SuZhou official Website, Best Rate - HengTong Gloria Resort SuZhou official Website, Best Rate guarantee, book now!HengTong Gloria Resort SuZhou is located in Wujiang, Suzhou, near Shanghai Hongqiao International airport, a very convenient transportation. The HengTong Gloria Resort SuZhou (Hengtong Kailai Dujia Jiudian) is situated in Qidu Town, close to Tai Lake (Taihu). Suzhou Railway Station is approximately 56 km (35 mi) away. Diners can enjoy Chinese and Western food at the hotel restaurant. 宿苏 / 州 | Chenzhou / 上海 | Shanghai The 10 best China hotels – Where to stay in China - Book a hotel in China online. Hotels from budget to luxury. Good rates. No reservation costs. Read hotel reviews from real guests.

www.goethehotelhangzhou.c… Zhong Wei Goethe Hotel Hangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Zhong Wei Goethe Hotel Hangzhou located in Hangzhou's commercial area, and is adjacent to Hangzhou Railway Station, about a two-minute drive from West Lake and a five-minute drive from many commercial and shopping centers in Hangzhou.

www.goldboutiqueholidayho… Gold Boutique Holiday Hotel Sanyabay - Official Website, Online booking discount - Gold Boutique Holiday Hotel Sanyabay(Free cooking &Airport Transfer, 100 meters away from the beach), located along the scenic Coconut Corridor in Sanya. It offers an outdoor pool and stunning sea views. 三亚 | Sanya Foshan Golden City Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Foshan Golden City Hotel situated in downtown of Foshan. The hotel's restaurants serve Chinese cuisine and Western food.Additional facilities include a shopping bazaar, gymnasium, beauty salon, sauna center, swimming pool and karaoke bar. 佛山市 | Foshan 昆山金鹰尚美酒店-首页 - 昆山金鹰尚美酒店网站首页,昆山金鹰尚美酒店(Golden Eagle Summit Hotel)是一家豪华型酒店, 位于昆山玉山镇开发区珠江中路199号, 环境雅致,以人为本,提供细微贴心的服务。 玉山 | Yushan 南京金鹰世界G酒店-首页 - 南京金鹰世界G酒店网站首页,南京金鹰世界G酒店(Golden Eagle World Hotel Nanjing)位于南京建邺区应天大街888号, 是一家豪华型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 南京 | Nanjing Golden Port Hotel Ningbo - Official Website, Online booking discount - Golden Port Hotel Ningbo is an environmentally-friendly hotel located in the center of Ningbo, close to the Old Bund, the former foreign settlement that's now a popular dining and nightlife area, and Tianyi Square, Ningbo's central shopping area. This Ningbo hotel features. 宁波市 | Ningbo 最新好看的小说_最热全本小说在线阅读 - 黄金小说网 - 黄金小说网提供最新好看的小说推荐,最热门全本小说在线阅读,还有各类小说推荐,包括言情小说、都市小说、穿越小说、总裁小说等优质小说资源,看小说就上黄金小说网。… Hillview Golf Resort Dongguan official Website, Best Rate - Hillview Golf Resort Dongguan official Website, Best Rate guarantee, book now!Hillview Golf Resort Dongguan managed by famous Sofitel Manage Group, a superior deluxe busienss trip hotel, is located in the Huyingjiaoye Garden. Hillview Golf Resort Dongguan 268 spacious rooms and duplex suites with private balconies offer an unmatched view of the park and the lake or the gentle rolling hills. The Hillview Golf Resort Dongguan's meeting and convention facilities range from t... 东莞市 | Dongguan

www.goodinternationalhote… Guangzhou Good International Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Good International Hotel Guangzhou is located in the heart of Tianhe's downtown core, 8 minutes drive from the Pazhou International Convention Center. Guests will find the location convenient to a number of shopping malls, Tianhe Sports Center, parks, Xinghai Concert Hall. 国产在线精品亚洲视频在线,欧美视频在线观看欧美大片,欧美视频在线视频观看视频 - 我站免费提供国产在线精品亚洲视频在线,欧美视频在线观看欧美大片,欧美视频在线视频观看视频,一个人的生活,一个人在亵渎寂寞,这个喧闹的城市终于沉睡了,像深埋在土里的化石。 Grand Park Kunming official Website, Best Rate - Grand Park Kunming official Website, Best Rate guarantee, book now!Grand Park Kunming is a great choice for accommodation when visiting Kunming. Grand Park Kunming is only 5 km to Kunming Railway Station and 34.5 km to Kunming Changshui International Airport. With its convenient location, the hotel offers easy access to the neighboring key destinations, like Daguanlou. In order to provide the best living experience for you, all rooms are equipped with fee-paying toiletries, ... 昆明 | Kunming

www.grandinternationalhot… Grand International Hotel Guangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Grand International Hotel Guangzhou is located in bustling Tianhe District, near the Guangzhou East Railway Station and Sports Center.Rooms are comfortably and elegantly furnished to ensure guests a relaxing stay. Guests will find that there are multiple different types of rooms Grand Nest Hotel Zhuhai - Official Website, Online booking discount - Grand Nest Hotel Zhuhai is located in Zhuhai Tang Jia Bay, beautiful environment and facing the sea, exclusive Bay unique scenery. The hotel has 217 guest rooms and facilities of of personality and high-end business club house facilities, is a four-star boutique hotel, 珠海 | Zhuhai… Grand Dynasty Culture Hotel Xi'an - Official Website, Online booking discount - Xian Grand Dynasty Culture Hotel Xi'an (Grand New World Hotel) is ideally located in the city center near several major Xi'an attractions. All 476 guestrooms in this Xi' an hotel feature modern amenities including large screen T.V's, mini-bars and 24-hour room service. 西安 | Xi'an… Grand Park Wuxi official Website, Best Rate - Grand Park Wuxi official Website, Best Rate guarantee, book now!The Grand Park Wuxi (Wuxi Junle Jiudian) is a brand new centrally-located hotel in the heart of Wuxi's commercial area. Wuxi Railway Station is a 10-minute drive away and the Wuxi Airport is only a 40-minute drive away. Gorgeous Turtle Head Isle and Lingshan Mountain Scenic Area are within easy reach of Grand Park Wuxi. This Grand Park Wuxi offers guest rooms with all the standard amenities and featured service to serve every guest wit... 无锡 | Wuxi Grand Sun City Hotel Changsha - Official Website, Online booking discount - Grand Sun City Hotel Changsha is a five-star luxury hotel, located near Changsha Avenue, in the southern area of Changsha's commercial center.It takes only 30 minutes drive from the airport and 15 minutes from the railway station.The 26-floor hotel is designed in European style, 长沙 | Changsha Luxury Business Hotel in Nanjing/GRAND WUJI HOTEL - Located at the heart of Health Plaza, E-park, Yuhuatai District in Nanjing, GRAND WUJI HOTEL is close to Tianlongsi and King of Boni Memorial Park, right next to Metro Line 1 Tianlongsi Station 南京 | Nanjing

www.greenparkhoteltianjin… Gelin Liangmu Hotel Tianjin official Website, Best Rate - Gelin Liangmu Hotel Tianjin official Website, Best Rate guarantee, book now!Gelin Liangmu Hotel Tianjin is situated in the center of development zone, close to Huana golf court, TEDA club and school.Gelin Liangmu Hotel Tianjin provides an apartment building, 41 villas of 3-story. Other amenities include various conference halls, gym on water, basketball, tennis court, beauty salon, reading area, Chinese and western restaurants. Gelin Liangmu Hotel Tianjin accommodation, conference, cateri... 天津 | Tianjin

www.guangdongbaiyuncityho… Guangdong Baiyun City Hotel Guangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Guangdong Baiyun City Hotel Guangzhou is steps away from Guangzhou Railway Station, 5km (3 mi) from Guangzhou East Railway Station and 4 km (2.5 mi) from Pazhou Complex and Jinhan Exhibition Center. This Guangzhou hotel enjoys convenient access to the metro and public buses. 粤 | Guangdong Guangdong Guest House 粤 | Guangdong

www.guangdongvictoryhotel… Guangdong Victory Hotel, China - The Guangdong Victory Hotel (Guangdong Shengli Binguan) is located on Shamian Island, with all its colonial European buildings and leafy boulevards, and surrounded by lush gardens while still offering convenient transportation links to the city. 粤 | Guangdong 广州富力君悦大酒店-首页 - 广州富力君悦大酒店网站首页,广州富力君悦大酒店(Guangzhou Grand Hyatt)位于广州天河区珠江新城珠江西路12号(近富力中心大厦,地铁5号线珠江新城站), 是一家五星级酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临!

www.guangzhouasiainternat… Asia International Hotel, Guangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Asia International Hotel, Guangzhou located in the city of Guangzhou, this modern hotel is just 15 minutes from the city’s main New Baiyun International Airport. The ideal location close to major tourist attractions including the stunning Baiyun Mountain, make this hotel a popular choice for international guests visiting this area of China. The Asia International Hotel houses an impressive 70 guest suites, five apartments and one luxurious Presidential suite with...

www.guangzhoubaiyunhotel.… Guangzhou Baiyun Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Baiyun Hotel Guangzhou is surrounded by a string of upscale shopping malls and department stores, and is located just a short drive from Guangzhou Railway Station and the convention and exhibition center.Fronted by massive garden, the hotel offers a tranquil atmosphere Guilin Bravo Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Guilin Bravo Hotel is only 10 minutes' walk from the city center and night market, 28 km (17 mi) from Guilin Liangjiang International Airport and 2 km from Guilin Railway Station.There are 329 tastefully decorated guest rooms, with more than 160 lake-view rooms and suites. 桂林 | Guilin Guilin Central Hostel – Guilin's top Hotel & Hostel – Book Us Today 桂林 | Guilin 桂山华星酒店 | 欢迎光临桂山华星酒店官方网站 | 在线预订 | 快捷支付 - 桂林桂山华星酒店官方网站 桂林 | Guilin Zhuhai Guotai Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Zhuhai Guotai Hotel is located in Zhuhai's financial and commercial center, and is a five-minute walk from Gongbei Customs. A ten-minute ride brings guests to Jiuzhou port and Zhuhai Sanzao Airport is a 50-minute drive away from this Zhuhai hotel. 珠海 | Zhuhai Wuhu Guoxin Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Wuhu Guoxin Hotel is located a ten-minute drive from downtown Wuhu, and situated between the Yangtze River and Yinhu and Fengming Lakes.The hotel boasts a range of meeting rooms for the business traveler.If simply chilling out is what guests require, then a trip to the 芜湖 | Wuhu Gurong Hotel Dali - Official Website, Online booking discount - Dali Gurong Hotel is a five-star hotel located near Yangren Street with gorgeous views of the mountain and river.This Dali hotel was acclaimed as one of the best mountain and river.This Dali hotel was acclaimed as one of the best five-star hotels in Dali. 大理 | Dali 广西佳家大酒店有限责任公司 广西 | Guangxi 连云港国信神州酒店 - 官方网站 - 连云港国信神州酒店占地22000平方米,主楼6层,坐落于宋家花园原址上,面临黄海,背依北鹰嘴山。连云港国信神州酒店拥有272间(套)客房,高雅舒适,设施齐全,全部房间装有英特网接口,让您足不出户,便知天下事。风格迥异中西餐厅、宴会厅提供淮扬、杭帮、广东等经典菜式,以及时令海鲜、法式大餐等中西佳肴,可同时接纳1000人用餐。多种规模的会议室,配以先进的视听设备,能满足客人商洽会晤的需求。商务中心内设贵宾洽谈室、温馨网吧,提供各项通讯及秘书服务,助您商务活动高效便利。 州 | Chenzhou 楚雄广怡酒店 楚雄 | Chuxiong 贵州分享网 州 | Chenzhou Haidu Hotel Qingdao - Official Website, Online booking discount - Haidu Grand Hotel Qingdao is situated in the core of the Huangdao Economic Development, and is 90 km from downtown city. Qingdao Railway Station and Qingdao Liuting International Airport are accessible within 80 and 90 km, respectively. 青岛市 | Qingdao 内蒙古博曼海航大酒店-首页 - 内蒙古博曼海航大酒店网站首页,内蒙古博曼海航大酒店(HNA Grand Hotel Portman Hohhot)位于呼和浩特赛罕区鄂尔多斯大街与昭乌达路交汇处(内蒙古师范大学院内), 是一家豪华型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 内蒙古 | Inner Mongolia

www.haihuahotelhangzhou.c… Haihua Hotel Hangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Haihua Hotel Hangzhou is Overlooking West Lake, and stands in the heart of Hangzhou, within easy reach of business, sightseeing, shopping.and entertainment venues. All rooms and suites in this Hangzhou hotel are tastefully decorated and come equipped with high- HaiJun Hotel Guangzhou (BaiLing Hotel) - Official Website, Online booking discount - HaiJun Hotel Guangzhou(BaiLing Hotel) stands by the Pearl River, within walking distance of Tianzi Port and a bar street.This Guangzhou hotel offers various rooms affording stunning river view and cityscape. Haikou Banana Hostel, Hainan Island - Book a room at Haikou Banana Hostel direct with us and pay no booking fee! Welcome to the best budget travel Hostel in Haikou, Hainan Island, South China Sea. Here you can also find information about travel on Hainan Island. 海口 | Haikou / 海南 | Hainan

www.haikoumarriotthotel.c… Hotel in Haikou, China | Haikou Marriott Hotel - Reserve your next tropical vacation at Haikou Marriott Hotel for an unforgettable stay in our oceanfront accommodations on the shoreline of Hainan, China. 海口 | Haikou 龙口海湾大酒店|龙口海湾|龙口四星旅游酒店|住宿|餐饮|商务会议|休闲娱乐 - 龙口海湾大酒店-海湾大酒店是由龙口矿业集团有限公司投资兴建的四星级旅游饭店,座落在风景秀丽的龙港开发区,位于振兴南路369号, 是集住宿、餐饮、商务、会议、休闲、娱乐为一体的综合型酒店。海湾大酒店始建于2004年5月,是由龙口矿业集团有限公司投资2亿兴建的四星旅游饭店。酒店地处渤海湾畔史称“东莱古国”的龙口市,位于龙口市龙港开发区振兴南路369号,是集住宿、餐饮、商务、会议、休闲、娱乐为一体的综合型酒店。 性欧美长视频免费_性视频免费播放欧美_在线a欧美免费 - 警告:未漨18岁者請勿適入性欧美长视频免费!本站欧美色情在线片源丰富, 内容全面!注意自我保护, 适度观看电影, 合理安排时间, 享受健康生活!… Haiyatt Garden Hotel Chang'an Dongguan(Harriway Garden Hotel) - Official Website, Online booking discount - Haiyatt Garden Hotel Chang'an Dongguan(Harriway Garden Hotel) is located opposite Chang'an Town Customs. This good value Dongguan hotel provides a variety of rooms from standard through to deluxe suites,all of which are decorated in a combination of classic and European styles. 长安 | Chang'an

www.haiyatthotelchengdu.c… Harriway Hotel Chengdu(Haiyatt Hotel) - Official Website, Online booking discount - Harriway Hotel Chengdu(Haiyatt Hotel) is conveniently located just off of the bustling Chunxi Road pedestrian street, facing Chunxi Square.and next to the Isetan Department store. Just in case you're wondering, Haiyatt is not a mispelling of a major international hotel brand. 宁波海逸大酒店-首页 - 宁波海逸大酒店网站首页,宁波海逸大酒店(Haiyi Hotel Ningbo)位于宁波江东区百丈东路2368号(百丈东路与河清南路交汇处), 是一家豪华型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临!

www.haiyinglangtingresort… Hai Ying Lang Ting Resort official Website, Best Rate Guarantee - Hai Ying Lang Ting Resort official Website, Best Rate Guarantee, book now!Opened in 2016, the Hai Ying Lang Ting Resort offers travelers a pleasant stay in Lijiang, whether for business or leisure purposes. For guests wanting easy access to the Shuhe Old Town and Free in-room Wi-Fi, this hotel ticks all the boxes. The hotel is only 15km from Lijiang Railway Station and 34km from Sanyi Airport, giving guests a number of convenient transportation options. After a long day of sightse...

www.hangzhoubayuniversalh… 杭州湾环球酒店 州 | Chenzhou… Hangzhou Dahua Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Hangzhou Dahua Hotel is located in the city center by the beautiful West Lake, only 3 km (2 mi) from Hangzhou Railway Station.This Huangzhou hotel is designed in the traditional Chinese style with many of the rooms looking out onto the lake. All rooms are equipped with

www.hangzhoudragonhotel.c… The Dragon Hotel Hangzhou official Website, Best Rate - The Dragon Hotel Hangzhou official Website, Best Rate guarantee, book now!The The Dragon Hotel Hangzhou is on the doorstep of the stunning Baoshi (Jewel) Mountain, close to the historic and picturesque West Lake, with 35km away from the Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport. One of the Best Business Hotels by the Golden Pillow in 2010, The Dragon is the best choice for visitors from China and around the world. The Dragon Hotel Hangzhou cooperates with IBM in an effort to constantly seek o... All accommodations in Hangzhou Hangzhou hotels & apartments, all accommodations in Hangzhou - Online booking for hotels in Hangzhou, China. Good availability and great rates. Cheap and secure, pay at the hotel, no booking fees.

www.hangzhouzijinganghote… Zijingang International Hotel Hangzhou official Website, Best Rate - Zijingang International Hotel Hangzhou official Website, Best Rate guarantee, book now!Zijingang International Hotel Hangzhou(Hangzhou Zijingang Guoji Fandian) is located opposite the campus of Zhejiang University Zijingang Campus of West Lake District. It is 38 kilometers from the airport. Zijingang International Hotel Hangzhou Located at the front gate of Zhejiang University Zijingang Campus, the Zijingang International Hotel (Zijingang Guoji Fandian) enjoys proximity to Xixi... 襄阳汉江国际大酒店 Happy Hotel Shantou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Shantou Happy Hotel is located in Jinping District, and is a 12-minute drive from Shantou Railway Station.For dining, Chinese and Western cuisines are served in the hotel restaurant.Modern meeting facilities in the hotel include a conference hall offering a variety of services 汕头 | Shantou 河北中国大酒店

01005146 Home-HDL Automation-Residential Hospitality Commercial - Headquartered&#160;in&#160;Guangzhou, &#160;China HeeFun Apartment GZ - Poly World Trading Center, Guangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - HeeFun Apartment Hotel Guangzhou - Poly World Trading Center is located a stone's throw from Pazhou subway station, a five-minute walk from Guangzhou International Convention. More apartment room overlooking the pearl river nightscape. H' Elite Hotel Guangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - H' Elite Hotel Guangzhou is one of the newest hotels in Guangzhou, having opened in 2017. With Free in-room Wi-Fi and easy access to the Zhujiang New Town and Wuyang New Town Commercial Area, this hotel makes a convenient choice.

02942469 Henann Group of Resorts - Premium resorts in the Philippines located in Boracay Island and Panglao Island, Bohol Hentique Resort & Spa official Website, Best Rate Guarantee, book now!Hentique Resort & Spa is located at an intimate peninsula of Tianhu Lake scenic area, just 20 meters from Tianmu Lake. The hotel has 411 deluxe guestrooms with view balconies. Western restaurant, banquet hall, Chinese restaurant and conference centers are also available. Recreation facilities include wellness center, SPA club and golf driving range. 明都豪格国际酒店

www.himalayaservicedapart… Himalaya Serviced Apartment (Tianjin Nankai) official Website, Best Rate Guarantee - Himalaya Serviced Apartment (Tianjin Nankai) official Website, Best Rate Guarantee, book now!Opened in 2019, the Himalaya Serviced Apartment (Tianjin Nankai) offers travelers a pleasant stay in Tianjin, whether for business or leisure purposes. When guests have some time on their hands they can make use of the onsite facilities. Airport pickup can be arranged by the hotel upon request. This Tianjin hotel provides parking on site. 天津 | Tianjin 青岛证大喜玛拉雅酒店【官方网站】-首页- 在线客房预订 - 现代生活时尚与青岛传统艺术文化完美结合的青岛证大喜玛拉雅酒店, 位于青岛崂山区的人文核心, 地理位置优越, 提供现代生活时尚的社区, 包含餐饮、购物和娱乐等一一兼备。青岛证大喜玛拉雅酒店毗邻青岛国际会展中心、国信体育场及举办青岛国际啤酒节的场馆—青岛啤酒城;

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www.huafangjinlinginterna… Huafang Jinling International Hotel Zhangjiagang - Official Website, Online booking discount - Huafang Jinling International Hotel Zhangjiagang is luxury hotel located in the city center.All rooms are equipped with modern amenities including international direct dial telephones, satellite TVs and mini bars. Some also have Internet access. 清远华冠大酒店 - 后台设置SEO描述 Powered By PHPCoo.Com 清远 | Qingyuan

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www.huangshanshilinhotel.… Huangshan Shilin Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Huangshan Shilin Hotel is 1, 630 m (5, 348 ft) above sea level, is located in Beihai Scenic Area, at the foot of Lion Peak. The Hotel is surrounded by mountains and pine trees and only a 10 minute walk from the sunrise observation site. 黄山 | Huangshan / 北海 | Beihai Huangsheng Hotel Guangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Huangsheng Hotel Guangzhou is situated only 1 km from the Guangzhou Railway Station and grants guests easy access to the Huozhezhan station.Hotel guest room, dining, foot care, chess, meeting at an organic whole, has more than 100 various types of luxury rooms, air… Huangyan Yaoda Hotel Taizhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Taizhou Huangyan Yaoda Hotel is located in bustling Huangyan District, and offers guests charming views of Yongning River and Taizhou city.Guest rooms are large and decked out in a sophisticated and contemporary style. 南京苏宁环球套房饭店-首页 - 南京苏宁环球套房饭店网站首页,南京苏宁环球套房饭店(Suning Universal Hotel)位于南京鼓楼区广州路188号(3楼办理入住), 是一家五星级酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 南京 | Nanjing / 州 | Chenzhou 仙女山度假休闲酒店_中国非遗主题酒店_仙女山华邦酒店 - 仙女山华邦酒店是仙女山不错的度假酒店,酒店位于武隆仙女山国家森林公园内,拥有仙女山、天生三硚等国家级景点等精品度假资源。低调奢华、休闲养生为您诠释真正的休闲度假生活。 成都花水湾金陵温泉度假酒店-官方网站 - 成都花水湾金陵温泉度假酒店欢迎您,成都花水湾金陵温泉度假酒店官网在线预订,成都花水湾金陵温泉度假酒店网址,酒店英文名:Huashuiwan Jinling Hot Spring Resort Hotel ,成都花水湾金陵温泉度假酒店是一家由中铁二局斥资22亿打造的由城市名人酒店集团管理的五星度假酒店。是西南地区最大的温泉水会酒店。成都花水湾金陵温泉度假酒店占地3万. 華欣商務飯店 - 華欣商務飯店坐落於金城市中心,在後埔小鎮與金門高中的交界處,交通非常方便 附近有永春廣東粥、聖利冰店以及閩式鹹粥等道地美食 往下走有極具藝文氣息的後埔小鎮藝文特區,邱良功母節孝坊一級古蹟等特色景點 金門的重要宗教廟宇城隍廟以及北鎮廟也都在步行10分鐘以內的地方 金城 | Jincheng 高雄住宿推薦|花鄉旅館連鎖, 高雄飯店推薦 - 高雄飯店推薦花鄉旅館連鎖。花鄉旅館連鎖目前已有10間遍布高雄旗山、左營、鳳山、三民、楠梓、仁武等地的高雄飯店旅館。花鄉連鎖高雄旅館飯店是您到高雄住宿不可錯過的最佳首選!高雄住宿推薦-花鄉旅館飯店連鎖系列。 Hua-Yang Plaza Hotel Luoyang - Official Website, Online booking discount - Hua Yang Plaza Hotel Luoyang is located on West Kaixuan Road in Jianxi District and offers guests easy access to local shopping and entertainment areas. This Luoyang hotel features a great variety of accommodations ranging from twin rooms to suites. 洛阳 | Luoyang 三亚华宇亚龙湾迎宾馆-欢迎您 - 三亚华宇亚龙湾迎宾馆欢迎您,三亚华宇亚龙湾迎宾馆官网在线预订2折起,酒店英文名:Palace Resort Yalong Bay Sanya,三亚华宇亚龙湾迎宾馆,就是亚龙湾中心。首推湾内第一家海底餐厅及国内酒店业首家儿童电子水族馆。房间配有高速宽带上网。 三亚华宇亚龙湾迎宾馆直面绵延7公里沙幼浪白的南中国最美海岸,毗邻亚龙湾滨海乐园、三亚艺术季及亚龙湾最大电影院,与百花谷小镇风情商业街和亚泰商业中心仅咫尺之遥。 三亚华宇亚龙湾迎宾馆由国际知名顶级设计公司Gensler匠心打造,所有艺术陈列均为名家亲创、世间独有。大堂巨型LED灯饰为国三亚华宇亚龙湾迎宾馆网址 三亚 | Sanya 深圳华安国际大酒店-首页 - 深圳华安国际大酒店网站首页,深圳华安国际大酒店(Hua'an International Hotel Shenzhen)位于深圳罗湖区宝安南路2001号, 是一家豪华型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 深圳 | Shenzhen / 安国 | Anguo Wuxi Juna Hubin Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Wuxi Juna Hubin Hotel is located in the center of Taihu Scenic Area. Guests will find Tai Lake, Li Garden and Turtle Head Isle within walking distance to this hotel.Wuxi Juna Hubin Hotel is located in Lihu Lake scenic area, besides mountain and river. 无锡 | Wuxi Huihao Hotel Wuhan official Website, Best Rate - Huihao Hotel Wuhan official Website, Best Rate guarantee, book now!The Huihao Hotel Wuhanis located in the business center of Jianghan Road, close to subway station and light rail station. Nearby attractions include Wuguang Business Circle, International Convention Center, Financial Street and Central Business District. It is 26 kilometers away from Wuhan Tianhe Airport. Opened in 2013, the 14 story Huihao Hotel Wuhanl features 215 rooms and suites, equipped with direct-dial telephones, satellite... 武汉市 | Wuhan 华纳国际开户-华纳国际网投-华纳网址 - 华纳国际网址在线预订,可享受折扣优惠。我们提供全国1, 732家华纳国际网投酒店预订服务,包括华纳国际开户特惠商务房、商务房、大床房、商务大床房、高级大床房、经济房、公寓、小时房钟点房。华纳国际手机APP可实时查询华纳国际酒店价格表。

www.huihuainternationalho… Huihua International Hotel Dongguan - Official Website, Online booking discount - Huihua International Hotel Dongguan is located in Changping Town, and is only a six-minute drive from Dongguan Railway Station.The on-site restaurant serves both Chinese and Western cuisines. For those with business or social events to conduct, the hotel offers various-sized 东莞市 | Dongguan / 昌平 | Changping Hentique Huijin Resort Hotel official Website, Best Rate Guarantee - Hentique Huijin Resort Hotel official Website, Best Rate Guarantee, book now!Hentique Huijin Resort Hotel is a 5-star villa holiday hotel close to Thin West Lake and Daming Temple, suitable for family holiday spending and business people. Opened in March, 2009, the Hentique Huijin Resort Hotel has 128 guest rooms and suites, Hentique Huijin Resort Hotel including deluxe standard room, feature suite and so on. The Hentique Huijin Resort Hotel features 9 banquet hall, lobby bar, r... 江苏省 | Jiangsu

www.huiquandynastyhotel.c… Huiquan Dynasty Hotel Qingdao official Website, Best Rate - Huiquan Dynasty Hotel Qingdao official Website, Best Rate guarantee, book now!Located in city center, the Huiquan Dynasty Hotel Qingdao is adjacent to the Shandong Import and Export Exhibition Center, Opposite the Noo.1 Bathing Beach And Huiquan Bay. The Huiquan Dynasty Hotel Qingdao (Qingdao Huiquan Wangchao Dafandian) is an international five-star hotel, located on the the scenic Huiquan Bay in Qingdao. This Huiquan Dynasty Hotel Qingdao has a total of 400 comfortable and elegant room... 青岛市 | Qingdao Hotel in Wuxi, China | Hyatt Regency Wuxi | Hyatt - Hyatt Regency Wuxi - Official Site. Located in the heart of Wuxi. Available in third quarter of 2015. 无锡 | Wuxi 网站首页 - 杭州海华大酒店有限公司 州 | Chenzhou 愛上汽車旅館 - i2 Motel ! - 愛上汽車旅館 2012美色版時尚登場,搶鮮公測。更完整的內容,更確的資訊,更及時的溝通。在最少的時間內、用最少的動作、取得最多有價值的、最正確的、最即時的汽車旅館資訊。 叠艺术酒店 - 酒店, 艺术, 叠, 全息餐厅, 兰州酒店, 叠艺术酒店,叠艺术酒店网址 兰 / 州 | Chenzhou / Lanzhou ㊣官網-金門IN99精品旅館 - IN99 Hotel - ㊣官網-金門IN99精品旅館的地點座落於金門縣金城鎮中心精華地帶,提供商務出差旅遊、休閒旅遊的旅客 交通 : 距離金城車站100公尺 距離金門尚義機場5公里(車程10分鐘) 距離金門水頭碼頭5.6公里(車程12分鐘) 政府機構 : 距離金門縣政府200公尺 距離金門縣觀光處100公尺 距離金門大學1.2公里 著名景點 : 距離金門老街10公尺 距離總兵署240公尺 距離金門模範街300公尺 距離邱良功母節孝坊340公尺 距離莒光樓1.5公里 距離金湖昇恆昌免稅店10公里(車程20分鐘) 讓您在金門旅遊與洽公洽商中感受交通地點的便利性,鄰近金門多處知名景點、購物商場、吃喝玩樂都便利 金城 | Jincheng Inn Fine Hotel Dalian - Official Website, Online booking discount - Inn Fine Hotel Dalian is a joint venture situated within Dalian's new financial and trade center, the Dalian Economic and Technical Development Zone.Within view of the sea and mountains, this hotel is popular with both business and leisure travelers.It just takes 20 minutes 大连市 | Dalian Welcome to Hotel Jacobson Hotel in the Woodlands, Shenandoah – We aim to be your best home away from home! 永州嘉隆大酒店 - 嘉隆大酒店(原威尼斯大酒店)是永州首家欧式风格商务型酒店, 酒店潜心将欧式奢华风姿与中国华丽韵致完美璧合,致力于为在商务或度假旅途中探寻时尚、文化、艺术与舒适感的旅行者们提供至尊旅居体验。酒店内,别具一格的设计元素及经典之作,比比皆是。手绘当地山水风景画,将本地的风土人情展现的淋漓尽至,更完美结合西方艺术,带给您全新体验。全酒店覆盖高速Wifi网络,让您随时随地都能轻松浏览最新资讯,享受到全方位商务至尊服务。 州 | Chenzhou 株式会社SIC 高尔夫球场卖卖 物件信息 度假酒店 面向中国人 - 株式会社SIC面向海外富裕阶层和法人介绍日本的高尔夫球场、度假酒店。关于购买日本的高尔夫球场和度假酒店,欢迎咨询我们。我们有很多的物件信息,是面向中国人的网站。 重庆市江鸿国际大饭店 重庆市 | Chongqing

04497164 温哥华家庭旅馆|温哥华旅馆-温哥华嘉华家庭旅馆 - 欢迎您来到美丽的温哥华!无论旅游度假、游学访问, 还是移民登陆, 温哥华最温馨的家庭旅馆 - 嘉华家庭旅馆都是您的首选。

www.jiangsuhotelshanghai.… Jiangsu Hotel official Website, Best Rate Guarantee - Jiangsu Hotel official Website, Best Rate Guarantee, book now!The Jiangsu Hotel Shanghai is close to the entrance to the Shanghai--Ningbo Expressway and a 20-minute drive from the airport, the railway station and Pudong Lujiazui. The 23-floor Jiangsu Hotel Shanghai has 220 guest rooms, all equipped with intellectualised center air conditioning system, mini bars, LCD computers and broadband internet access. On the 2nd and 3rd floor of Shanghai Jiangsu Hotel, there is a Chinese restaurant, wher... 江苏省 | Jiangsu

www.jianguohotelguangzhou… Jianguo Hotel Guangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Jianguo Hotel Guangzhou is well-suited for business travelers, with its location just 20 minutes' drive from the convention center and and 8 km (5 mi) from both the city center and railway station.This five-star Guangzhou Guangzhou hotel houses 405 rooms, ranging from standard Jian Sheng Hotel Guangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Jiansheng Hotel Guangzhou is not far from Liwanhua Park, a metro station and a long distance bus station.Business travelers can take advantage of ticket reservation, photocopying and fax.Guangzhou kin hotel is a new concept of business, tourism, hotel. 首页-中山佳悦度假酒店 中山 | Zhongshan 泉州景都大酒店官网 - 泉州景都大酒店座落在历史文化名城泉州市繁华地带,是一家集住、食、行、游、娱、健等多功能服务为一体的商务旅游酒店 州 | Chenzhou Jingu Hotel Harbin - Official Website, Online booking discount - Jingu Hotel Harbin is located on Central Avenue (Zhongyang Dajie) in Harbin's historic Daoli district, and puts travelers within walking distance of many of the city's best attractions including two of the Harbin. Guests can enjoy Cantonese or Sichuan dishes in the Flower 哈尔滨 | Harbin 石家庄京州国际酒店-首页 - 石家庄京州国际酒店网站首页,石家庄京州国际酒店(Jingzhou International Hotel Shijiazhuāng)位于石家庄长安区裕华东路177号(与谈固南大街交叉口), 是一家四星级酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 石家庄 | Shijiazhuang / 州 | Chenzhou

www.jinhuainternationalho… Jinhua International Hotel Kunming(Kingworld) - Official Website, Online booking discount - Jinhua International Hotel Kunming(Kingworld) is a modem hotel with 150 rooms and suites located in Kunming's commercial area. The hotel enjoys easy access to the city's transportation network.Guests are but a stone's throw from major hubs, a ten minute walk sees you to Airport. 金华 | Jinhua… Wuhan Jin Jiang International Hotel official Website, Best Rate guarantee, book now!The Wuhan Jin Jiang International Hotel is a five-star deluxe hotel, surrounded by three lakes in the most picturesque area of the city. Wuhan Jin Jiang International Hotel offers an ideal location at the heart of Wuhan’s Central Business district. It is only a 30 minute drive to Tianhe International Airport and 5 minute to Wuhan International Convention and Exhibition Centre, making it an ideal ch... 武汉市 | Wuhan 莫干山金磊山庄|JINLEI VILLA - 为您还原人与自然的相处之道,与您分享高端度假的生活美学!

www.jinlonghoteltianjin.c… Jinlong International Hotel Tianjin official Website, Best Rate guarantee, book now!Jinlong International Hotel Tianjin is located at Tianjian. Tianjin Binhai International Airport is 27 km away and Tianjin Railway Station is 10 km away. Jinlong International Hotel Tianjin Offering free Wi-Fi, each unit has an air conditioner, a flat-screen cable TV and a desk.Jinlong nternational Hotel You can find free toiletries, slippers and hair dryer at bathroom. Jinlong International Hotel... 天津 | Tianjin 金钳国际酒店-惠安金钳酒店有限公司

www.jinshiinternationalho… Nantong Jinshi International Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Jinshi International Hotel Nantong is a five-star deluxe hotel located in the central Nantong New City Zone, about 30 km from the airport. Those with leisure time on their hands may take advantage of on-site fitness facilities, relax in the sauna, or get a massage. 南通 | Nantong / 进士 | Jinshi 宁波镇海开元名都酒店-首页 - 宁波镇海开元名都酒店网站首页,宁波镇海开元名都酒店(New Century Hotel Ningbo)位于宁波镇海区庄市街道庄市大道788号, 是一家豪华型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 开元 | Kaiyuan 掘旅青年旅舍 Journey Hostel 青年 | Qingnian Club Med地中海俱乐部官网_邀您体验一价全包式度假村旅游 - Club Med地中海俱乐部官网诚邀您体验遍及全球26个国家的近70个全包式度假村旅游服务.现在预订Club Med度假村, 即可实现梦想中的一价全包式的亲子完美假期. Club Med地中海俱乐部官网_邀您体验一价全包式度假村旅游 - Club Med地中海俱乐部官网诚邀您体验遍及全球26个国家的近70个全包式度假村旅游服务.现在预订Club Med度假村, 即可实现梦想中的一价全包式的亲子完美假期. 江苏百悦国际大酒店 - 江苏百悦国际大酒店是按国家五星的标准设计建造,风格俊朗挺拔,装饰典雅豪华,是集餐饮、客房、康体、娱乐、高级会所等功能于一体的豪华大型酒店。 大江国际饭店|大江国际酒店|酒店预订|饭店预订|商务酒店 - 大江国际饭店是沭阳地区规模最大,集餐饮、客房、会议、娱乐、观景于一体的大型商务酒店 江苏饭店 - 江苏钟山宾馆集团酒店管理有限公司 - 江苏钟山宾馆集团酒店管理有限公司, 钟山宾馆集团, 江苏省会议中心, 福如东海温泉大酒店, 江苏饭店, 金峰汇大酒店, 华龙集团 江苏省 | Jiangsu Juna liangxi hotel Wuxi - Official Website, Online booking discount - Juna liangxi hotel Wuxi (Juno Liangxi Hotel) is located in the city center, along the main commercial street. Metro Line 1 is just outside the hotel and provides easy access to Wuxi Railway station in less than 15 minutes. 无锡 | Wuxi Junyi Dynasty Hotel Wuhan - Official Website, Online booking discount - Junyi Dynasty Hotel Wuhan is located in Jiedaokou central business district, not far from East Lake Scenic Area.It only takes 15 minutes to drive to Wuhan's Wuchang Railway Station and the popular Wuhan attractions Yellow Crane Tower and the Yangtze River.All rooms are fully 武汉市 | Wuhan 武汉君宜王朝大饭店-首页 - 武汉君宜王朝大饭店网站首页,武汉君宜王朝大饭店(Junyi Dynasty Hotel Wuhan)位于武汉市珞瑜路87号(地铁2号线街道口站B出口群光广场对面), 是一家豪华型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 武汉市 | Wuhan Junyi Dynasty Hotel wuhan official Website, Best Rate - Junyi Dynasty Hotel wuhan official Website, Best Rate guarantee, book now!Junyi Dynasty Hotel wuhan(Junyi Wangchao Dafandian) is situated at the Wuchang commercial street, close to beautiful Wuhan University, Donghu high-tech Zone and east lake. Established in 2010, this 17-story Junyi Dynasty Hotel wuhanoffers 278 rooms and suites, each equipped with cozy beds, TOTO sanitary, free soft drinks and beer. Junyi Dynasty Hotel wuhan Buffet breakfast and all-day butler service is also available. 武汉市 | Wuhan 江西临川才子国际大酒店有限公司 - 江西临川才子国际大酒店有限公司, 位于江西省抚州市临川区上顿渡公园路与文昌路交叉口, 地处黄金地段, 地理位置优越, 商务洽谈便捷, 周边拥有众多中餐火锅名店, 大型商场, 就餐购物方便。 江西省 | Jiangxi / 州 | Chenzhou / 文昌 | Wenchang 云南久展酒店管理有限公司, 酒店筹备, 酒店整改, 酒店运营, 酒店策划, 酒店顾问、酒店设计, 酒店管理 - 云南久展酒店管理有限公司是一家由专业酒店管理团队组建而成,为您提供酒店筹备、酒店整改、酒店运营、酒店策划、酒店顾问、酒店设计、酒店管理等系列一站式服务的酒店管理机构。久展的管理团队成员均来自国内外知名的酒店机构,有多家星级酒店筹备且成功管理的经验。从酒店 云南 | Yunnan 凯博酒店 KB.HOTEL - 柬埔寨凯博酒店的位置巧妙融合了柬国海滩风情及中国城荣景,兼具您旅途的度假感又不失便利性,酒店服务的内容更是丰富多元,致力于为您提供一个舒适又有趣的住宿体验。

www.kaifeng.newcenturygra… New Century Grand Hotel Kaifeng - Official Website, Online booking discount - New Century Grand Hotel Kaifeng is located along Jinming Lake (Jinming Chi) at the former site of a royal Song Dynasty water garden. 伊勢志摩 旅館 鳥羽 海上料亭 海楽園の公式ホームページ - 伊勢志摩旅館は鳥羽の海上料亭海楽園。伊勢エビあわび料理&温泉露天風呂をお楽しみ頂けます。また鳥羽水族館や伊勢神宮などの伊勢志摩のメイン観光スポットにも便利な場所です。 志摩 | Shima 杭州开元森泊度假酒店-首页 - 杭州开元森泊度假酒店网站首页,杭州开元森泊度假酒店(Senbo Resort Hangzhou)是一家豪华型酒店, 位于杭州萧山区湘湖风景区湘湖路1515号, 环境雅致,以人为本,提供细微贴心的服务。 州 | Chenzhou / 开元 | Kaiyuan 开元酒店集团官网 - 开元酒店集团是中国领先的酒店集团之一,规模位列全球酒店集团前30位。开元酒店官网为您提供便捷的在线预订服务, 让您尽享开元关怀。客服热线:1010-5050(08:00-23:00)。 开元 | Kaiyuan

03183734 杭州开元森泊度假酒店欢迎您! - 杭州开元森泊度假酒店欢迎您,杭州开元森泊度假酒店官网在线预订2折起,杭州开元森泊度假酒店网址,酒店英文名:Hangzhou Kaiyuan Senbo Resort Hotel,杭州开元森泊度假酒店位于湘湖风景区湘湖路,出游便利。杭州开元森泊度假乐园占地300亩,总投资11.7亿人民币,以“大自然”为原点,创新衍生出“精品度假”与“奇趣游乐”两大核心板块,是一个集住宿、游乐、餐饮、商务为一体的大型休闲度假综合体。 杭州开元森泊度假酒店拥有四百余间客房,分为开元森泊度假酒店和度假屋两个板块。杭州开元森泊度假酒店呈“L”造型,紧邻森泊乐园,拥有百余间多种类型高星级客房,客房内设施完善、视野开阔,站在露台上可远观叠翠的青山,一侧的湖景房则可远眺4A级风景区湘湖全貌。 杭州开元森泊度假酒店度假屋共两百余间,坐落在静谧的自然中,遥望活力动感的森泊乐园。据现状地形、环境特色,森泊规划布局了不同特色的度假产品。客房遵循自然生态低密度开发的原则,均散落在湿地、山林和湖边。有一室一厅的奢华独栋,也有两室一厅的家庭套房,更有树屋、星空房、聚会别墅等各类网红特色度假屋坐落于此,满足各种客源需求。 杭州开元森泊度假酒店将大... 州 | Chenzhou / 开元 | Kaiyuan

www.kakeyu-izumiyaryokan.… 信州 鹿教湯温泉郷 いづみや旅館【公式サイト】 - 長野県上田市 信州 鹿教湯温泉郷 いづみや旅館。湯治場として栄え健康の郷として知られる鹿教湯温泉、当宿には5種の天然温泉をご用意、貸切風呂に露天風呂、すべて源泉かけ流しです。お食事にはいづみや特製ヘルシー会席料理をご用意。信州サーモン鮪鯛や蟹砧巻、信州牛ローストビーフなど信州の山の幸をぜひご賞味下さい。皆様のご予約をお得なプランでお待ちしております。 州 | Zhuozhou 信州佐久 春日温泉 旅館 | かすがの森【公式】 - 信州佐久の旅館、春日温泉かすがの森。長野信州の観光の拠点や、自然あふれる環境での合宿・研修にも最適。 州 | Zhuozhou 南昌国际博览城绿地铂瑞酒店-首页 - 南昌国际博览城绿地铂瑞酒店网站首页,南昌国际博览城绿地铂瑞酒店(Primus Hotel Nanchang International Expo City)位于南昌新建区红谷滩新区上饶大街1100号, 是一家豪华型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 南昌 | Nanchang 苏州湾艾美酒店-首页 - 苏州湾艾美酒店网站首页,苏州湾艾美酒店(Le Meridien Suzhou Suzhou Bay)位于苏州市吴江区太湖新城迎宾大道518号 【 吴江东太湖风景区/水世界/王焰温泉 】, 是一家豪华型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 州 | Chenzhou / 宿苏 大连凯伦饭店官方网站-在线预订 - 凯伦饭店坐落在大连开发区金融商业中心金马路186号。南眺大海,北望炮台山,地理位置十分优越。距开发区轻轨车站相距仅5分钟步行路程,与周水子机场相距仅25分钟车程,距离金石滩国家旅游度假区仅20分钟车程。 台山 | Taishan 开封宾馆_开封黄河迎宾馆 - 开封黄河迎宾馆由全国500强企业晋煤集团河南晋开集团投资按照国家五星级标准设计建设的集客房、餐饮、会议、休闲为一体的综合性酒店。定房:0371-26677888 河南 | Henan 嘉兴酒店|嘉兴婚礼酒店|嘉兴主题婚礼酒店-嘉兴晶晖酒店有限公司 - 嘉兴晶晖酒店有限公司是您举办大场面婚礼、大型会议、各类宴会,专业车展,产品发布,时装秀,新闻发布会,商务庆典等各种类型会议与活动的理想场所,晶晖嘉宴中心, 大场面婚礼开创者。 嘉兴 | Jiaxing 景園大飯店 | King's Paradise Hotel - 中壢飯店推薦景園大飯店鄰近中壢觀光夜市、中壢火車站車程7分鐘可達,交通方便,是您中壢住宿推薦首選! 国際リゾート地域戦略 – 都市とリゾートに賑わいをもたらす

www.kunluninternationalho… Kunlun International Hotel Yantai - Official Website, Online booking discount - Kunlun International Hotel Yantai is a five-star hotel with elegant environment only a 10-minute walk to golden sand beach as long as ten thousand meters.The Shopping Center and Medical facilities are available around our hotel.From here to Yantai International Airport is. 烟台 | Yantai 重庆开州金科大酒店 - 重庆开州金科大酒店, 重庆开州金科酒店, 重庆开州金科, 开州金科大酒店, 开州金科酒店, 开州金科, 金科大酒店, 金科酒店, 重庆酒店, 开县酒店, 客房, 酒店大堂, 设计, 浴室, 酒店设计, SPA水疗设计, SPA水疗装修设计, SPA水疗装修效果图, 电视背景墙, 客房标间, 天花, 套房, 会议厅, 沙发背景墙, 柱子, 床头背景, 大堂前台, 餐厅包间, 餐厅包房, 玻璃背景墙 州 | Chenzhou

www.lagunakitchenandbar.c… Laguna Kitchen & Bar - At the Park Plaza Cardiff - The independent, award-winning Laguna Kitchen & Bar is situated within Park Plaza Hotel Cardiff and famed for serving classic British cuisine with a twist of Welsh character. Combining the very best local produce with fresh herbs from our own garden, our chefs design seasonal dishes to satisfy every palate. Close to all the city centre attractions such as the Principality Stadium, St David's Shopping Centre, New Theatre, Cardiff Castle and Cardiff Bay.

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www.lakeviewhotel-hangzho… Lakeview Hotel in Xihu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang, China - Online reservation for Lakeview Hotel Hangzhou | Reserve rooms at our 4-star hotel and get instant confirmation online.

www.lakeviewhotelhangzhou… Deefly Lakeview Hotel Hangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Lakeview Hotel Hangzhou is a four-star hotel located on the shore of Hangzhou's premier attraction-West Lake. this hotel offers excellent views of the lake, also a convenient and practical hotel for tourists on a budget.This Hangzhou hotel boasts 364 comfortable rooms and レイクヴィラファーム [公式] 北海道 生産牧場 - レイクヴィラファームは、北海道 洞爺湖町にある生産牧場です。2011年に旧メジロ牧場の土地と繁殖牝馬を引き継ぐ形でスタートしました。ノーザンファームとの技術提携を通して国内外で活躍できる強い馬作りを目指しています。 北海 | Beihai

www.landmarkcantonhotel.c… Hotel Landmark Canton, Guangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Landmark Canton Hotel Guangzhou is situated in Haizhu Square on the banks of the Pearl River, just a two-minute walk from Metro Line 2. This Guangzhou hotel's guestrooms and and offices are all equipped with in-house movies, satellite TV and

www.landmarkinternational… Landmark International Hotel Guangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Landmark International Hotel Guangzhou is in the business, shopping and cultural center of the city, just a ten-minute drive from the Pazhou Fair and 30 minutes' by car from Guangzhou's New Baiyun International Airport.The hotel's deluxe guestrooms feature excellent city views,… Dali Landscape Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Landscape Hotel Dali is located in Dali's ancient historical quarter at the foot of Cang Shan (Mt. Cang) facing Erhai Lake. The only hotel in the region designed in the Bai Minority's courtyard style. On offer are 160 guest rooms and several restaurants serving Bai Minority food 大理 | Dali Lazy House Shenanigans | Koh Phangan - One of Koh Phangans biggest and most beutiful party hostels! Learn To Ski & Ride at China Peak - $179 3-Day, Any Day! Learn To Ski And Ride at China Peak. The best deal on the slopes. Own Winter. 广州京溪礼顿酒店-首页 - 广州京溪礼顿酒店网站首页,广州京溪礼顿酒店(Leeden Jingxi Hotel Guangzhou)位于广州白云区沙太南路538号, 是一家豪华型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 州 | Chenzhou

www.leedenhotel-guangzhou… Leeden Hotel Guangzhou - Official Website, Online booking discount - Leeden Hotel Guangzhou is within easy reach of Tianhe City Square and the Guangzhou Twin Towers. Two metro stations, for lines 5 and 3, are within walking distance. Transit to East Guangzhou Railway Station and Pazhou Complex. 中山保利艾美酒店-首页 - 中山保利艾美酒店网站首页,中山保利艾美酒店(Le Meridien Zhongshan)位于中山市港口大道21号(靠近石岐区), 是一家豪华型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临! 中山 | Zhongshan

www.leidisenhotelsuzhou.c… Youngor Central Hotel Suzhou official Website, Best Rate guarantee, book now!The Youngor Central Hotel Suzhou is located in the bustling Guanqian district of Suzhou, features a broad-screen television in every room, along with broadband internet access. Youngor Central Hotel Suzhou provids free parking lot, car rental, conference rooms, business center, foreign currency exchange, shopping malls, safe-deposit boxes at front desk, hair beauty salon, ticketing... 宿苏 / 州 | Zhuozhou

www.lemeridienhotel-zheng… 郑州建业艾美酒店-首页 - 郑州建业艾美酒店网站首页,郑州建业艾美酒店(Le Meridien Hotel Zhengzhou)是一家豪华型酒店, 位于郑州市金水区中州大道1188号, 环境雅致,以人为本,提供细微贴心的服务。 州 | Chenzhou

www.lemeridienqingdaowest… Beach Hotel in Qingdao China | Le Méridien Qingdao West Coast Resort - Book your stay in China at Le Méridien Qingdao West Coast Resort, featuring stylish hotel accommodations, distinctive dining and direct beach access. 青岛市 | Qingdao Le Rhénan Best Western Plus Hôtel à Dorlisheim - Le Rhénan Hôtel 4 étoiles Best Western Plus Hôtel à Dorlisheim à côté de Molsheim · Réservez votre séjour le site officiel au meilleur tarif

09735374 Temukan Semua Informasi Hotel Terbaik - Lesvoyelles - Lesvoyelles berkomitmen untuk terus memberikan informasi terbaik tentang hotel beserta segala tips dan trik yang Anda perlukan saat menginap di hotel. 安达 | Anda 罗浮山旅游景区 - 罗浮山旅游景区,是国家5A级旅游景区,含住宿,酒店,餐饮,风景,寺庙,索道,观光等项目,详情点击进入官网 潮州市兰桂坊, 兰桂坊, 华套房, 商务套房, 潮州市兰桂坊酒店有限公司_食品 - 潮州市兰桂坊, 兰桂坊, 华套房, 商务套房, 潮州市兰桂坊酒店有限公司-潮州市兰桂坊, 兰桂坊, 华套房, 商务套房, 潮州市兰桂坊酒店有限公司-潮州兰桂坊酒店位于枫春路与新洋路交叉口,邻近潮州市政府、潮州日报社,是一家客房温馨、设施齐全的商务酒店。酒店地处市区繁华的中心地带,交通便捷,观光景点、金融机构、商业大街近在咫尺。优越的地理 州 | Chenzhou Kyichu Hotel Lhasa - Your home in Tibet - Kyichu Hotel named after Kyichu River in Lhasa, is located between sacred Jokhang Temple and the famous Potala Palace. Kyichu bring you happiness and an unforgettable stay while in Tibet. 拉萨 | Lhasa 连氏大酒店·福建省长泰连缘漂流有限公司 - 连氏大酒店·福建省长泰连缘漂流有限公司 福建 | Fujian Liaoning Hotel Shenyang, China - Official Website - Liaoning Hotel Shenyang, was built in 1927 and it's a European style, already receive Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou and other state leaders. 辽宁省 | Liaoning

www.libreresortslijiang.c… 丽江复华丽朗度假村欢迎您! - 丽江复华丽朗度假村欢迎您,丽江复华丽朗度假村官网在线预订2折起,丽江复华丽朗度假村网址,酒店英文名:Libre Resorts Lijiang,丽江复华丽朗度假村坐落于丽江市束河古镇旁,距离著名的5A级景区玉龙雪山约25分钟车程,出游便利。 丽江复华丽朗度假村毗邻风情商业街,非遗纳街,通过饮食、器物、文化、酒吧等多角度还原丽江风情;超震撼的户外水秀,流光溢彩再续纳西美丽传说;纳花纳海,打造雪山奇迹乐园;为您带来更深层次的目的地体验。 作为丽江超大规模的度假村及会展中心,在这里您将享受丽朗独有的集“宿、食、乐、行、聚+MC”为一体的一价尽享完美假期。 丽江复华丽朗度假村拥有四百余间风情客房和86栋别墅,可容纳3000人规模的丽江雪山国际会展中心、假日厨房全日餐厅、丽乐汇(家庭俱乐部)、尊顶酒廊、欢唱练歌坊、嘉年华秀场以及带领客人探索丽江风情的丽朗村外游和MC魔法师团队,丽江复华丽朗度假村充分满足会议会展和休闲旅游的完美期待。

www.libreresortslijiang.t… 丽江复华丽朗度假村-欢迎您 - 丽江复华丽朗度假村欢迎您,丽江复华丽朗度假村官网在线预订2折起,酒店英文名:Libre Resorts Lijiang,丽江复华丽朗度假村坐落于丽江市束河古镇旁,距离著名的5A级景区玉龙雪山约25分钟车程,出游便利。 丽江复华丽朗度假村毗邻风情商业街,非遗纳街,通过饮食、器物、文化、酒吧等多角度还原丽江风情;超震撼的户外水秀,流光溢彩再续纳西美丽传说;纳花纳海,打造雪山奇迹乐园;为您带来更深层次的目的地体验。 作为丽江超大规模的度假村及会展中心,在这里您将享受丽朗独有的集“宿、食、乐、行、聚+MC”为一体的一价尽享丽江复华丽朗度假村网址

www.lifestylehotel-by-nor… Lifestyle Hotel Le Vent – 1日1組限定/石川県白山麓/Go To対象施設 白山 | Baishan

www.light-steel-villa-bui… 乌兹别克斯坦快递 - 中乌快递立足于中国与乌兹别克斯坦货物空运,随着中国一路带一路的春风成立。以解决中国空运快递到乌兹别克斯坦的快递物流提供安全迅速的服务。 Likto Hotel Guangzhou Taojin Metro Station - Official Website, Online booking discount - Litu Hotel Guangzhou is a great choice for guests looking for accommodation in Guangzhou, and offers travelers a pleasant stay in Guangzhou, whether for business or leisure purposes.The closest major public transportation, Taojin Metro Station, is only 600 m away. LN Hotel Five | Guangzhou’s first upscale boutique hotel near Pearl River - LN Hotel Five is Guangzhou's first boutique hotel facing the historic Pearl River. Hotel delivers exclusive stay and distinctive dining experience. 苏州丽青酒店管理顾问有限公司 州 | Chenzhou 六合宿旅店 六合 | Liuhe

www.liveaubergine.pixnet.… ღ『 LEMON mama 』ღ :: 痞客邦 :: - 就算生活再辛苦也是要快樂地享受每一個時光

www.lixuryhotelchongqing.… Luxury 5 Stars Hotel in Chongqing 丨 The Lixury Hotel - The Lixury Hotel Chongqing is a luxury five-star hotel in the city center and a stone’s throw away from Jiefangbei, and only one block away from the Hongyadong Folk Custom Scene Area. Enjoying a prime waterfront location with panoramic views of the Yangtze River and Jialing River junction, the hotel is an icon that redefines high-end hospitality in Chongqing. 重庆市 | Chongqing 欢迎光临廉江富莱酒店! 欢迎光临廉江富莱酒店! 欢迎光临廉江富莱酒店! - 富莱酒店是按四星级标准精心设计的时尚酒店,酒店座落于美丽的廉江市美景花园内,风景优美,空气清新,地理位置优越,交通便捷,是现代都市人追求生活品味的首选。热线:0759-6638888/6639999 佛山罗浮宫索菲特酒店-首页 - 佛山罗浮宫索菲特酒店网站首页,佛山罗浮宫索菲特酒店(Sofitel Foshan)位于佛山顺德区乐从河滨南路3号, 是一家豪华型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临!

www.longchampgardenhotel.… Longchamp Garden Hotel Changsha - Official Website, Online booking discount - Longchamp Garden Hotel Changsha is located in the heart of Changsha's prosperous commercial and political district, and offers both convenient transportation. 长沙 | Changsha 江门市龙泉度假酒店 江门 | Jiangmen / 龙泉 | Longquan 成都龙之梦大酒店-首页 - 成都龙之梦大酒店网站首页,成都龙之梦大酒店(Longemont Hotels Chengdu( The Longemont Hotels ))位于成都成华区嘉陵江路8号, 是一家豪华型酒店, 提供优质贴心的星级服务, 24小时恭侯您莅临!

www.longemonthotels-cheng… 成都龙之梦大酒店官网 洛阳开锁_洛阳开锁公司_洛阳锁王_洛阳市《锁业协会》_0379-66664444 - 总机:0379-66664444全市连锁,安全快捷,工商注册,公安备案,诚信安全,专业开启各种防盗门、保险柜、汽车锁、配汽车芯片钥匙。专业开锁、换锁芯。24小时值班电话:0379-66664444。 洛阳 | Luoyang

www.longquanhotelguangzho… Guangzhou Panyu Longquan Hotel - Official Website, Online booking discount - Guangzhou Panyu Longquan Hotel is in the center of Fanyu District. All rooms have Internet access, satellite TV sets, and mini bars. Rooms on the 9th floor.offer a separate sauna facility. Its restaurant serves delicious Cantonese food.Other amenities include business center. 华西龙希国际大酒店 Bangkok City Homestay | Bangkok Boutique Hostels and Homestay | Loog Choob Bangkok - Loog Choob Bangkok - Bangkok Boutique Hostel and Homestay is located in a quiet residential area of Bangkok. Within 5 km proximity lies key Bangkok tourist attractions including Grand Palace, Khaosan road, China Town, MBK centre, Siam. 路桥瑞丰大酒店-官方网站 - 路桥瑞丰大酒店是广西路桥瑞丰酒店管理有限公司旗下首家四星级商务会议型酒店,隶属广西路桥工程集团有限公司。 ​酒店配备有豪华套房、时尚房、豪华房、标准房等不同类型的客房232间(套),床位数共计398个;具备有功能完备、宴会厅、多功能厅和会议室,可同时承接800人的用餐及及承办各类大、中、小型会议;餐饮经营风味独特的粤式早茶、粤菜、湘菜、川菜、广西民族特色风味菜等,酒店设有水果咖啡休闲吧和精品商场,销售各类饮品、烟酒茶、水果及广西特色土特产等产品,以及配备休闲酒廊、健身房、书法室等康娱设施,为客人提供休闲娱乐的场所。 广西 | Guangxi / 粤 | Guangdong 林恩国际酒店(官方网站) - 林恩国际酒店是一家按五星级标准打造的高档商务酒店,酒店坐落于天府之国成都市中心繁华地段,地理位置优越、交通购物便利。 豪华别致的客房,装修典雅大气,装饰别致独特,顶级卫浴设施,度身定制的席梦思,带给您帝王般的享受。 酒店另设有多功能会议厅、特色餐饮区、茶坊,为尊贵的您展现入住林恩国际酒店的奢华与舒享。 成都市 | Chengdu 常德柳叶情实业发展有限公司_会议接待服务_大型宴会_散餐服务_婚寿喜宴_学术报告 - 常德柳叶情实业发展有限公司是继美景柳叶情,渔民新村之后的第三家连锁店,酒店经营平价海鲜,正宗粤菜为主。酒店拥有1200平米,25个豪华包厢,100人位的时尚餐厅,可提供大型宴会接待和散餐服务 常德 | Changde / 粤 | Guangdong 柳州东城酒店投资管理有限公司_华美达酒店_悦和酒店_雅和酒店 百度地图API自定义地图 无标题文档 - 柳州东城酒店投资管理有限公司主要负责东城集团所有酒店板块业务的投资经营管理工作。目前旗下柳州东城华美达广场酒店为柳东新区酒店行业标杆,位于柳州国际会展中心旁;雅和酒店位于柳州网球中心旁;雅和小镇酒店位于卡乐星球欢乐世界、克里湾水乐园、园博园旁。 州 | Chenzhou 广东省连州市红楼宾馆官网-官网预订,多重优惠! - 红楼宾馆座落于连州市区中轴线区域及市政府旁,位于繁华的连州大道商贸中心地段,交通便利。 宾馆是集住宿、会议、餐饮、休闲为一体的豪华型、目前市区最大型的园林式宾馆,停车场可同时停放两百多辆爱车,是自驾车游客最喜爱的居停之地!红楼宾馆是您旅游度假、商务接待、好友聚会的首选场所!官网预订,多重优惠! 州 | Chenzhou / 清远 | Qingyuan 嘉兴市龙之梦大酒店有限公司 - 嘉兴市龙之梦大酒店有限公司是中国最大的嘉兴市龙之梦大酒店有限公司进出口嘉兴市龙之梦大酒店有限公司公司和实力雄厚嘉兴市龙之梦大酒店有限公司的打造商。 嘉兴 | Jiaxing 泸州南苑宾馆 泸州南苑宾馆, 泸州宾馆, 泸州住宿宾馆, 泸州酒店 - 泸州南苑宾馆, 泸州宾馆, 泸州住宿宾馆, 泸州酒店 州 | Chenzhou


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